Ceriatone Forum

Ceriatone => Overtone => Topic started by: Gyp C. on March 30, 2013, 11:28:02 PM

Title: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: Gyp C. on March 30, 2013, 11:28:02 PM
I have my eye on a 100w HRM for sale. From reading and clips I really like the Bluesmaster, especially the clean tones.
So how difficult would it be to convert an HRM to BM specs?
 As I understand it, they're basically the same circuit. Would it be a matter of changing small component values, or are there different trannies and major wiring changes?

Experts please explain. (I don't think it's fair to bother Nik for info on a used amp. The man's busy enough!)

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: LeftyF on March 31, 2013, 01:46:11 AM
I have an HRM 100 and I'd also like to know this. I think it's mainly a difference in the voicing but I think it's across the clean and overdrive channels.

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: sduck on March 31, 2013, 04:34:41 AM
If you go to the ceriatone website, you can access the layouts of the 2 different amps. I was able to put each one in different tabs and do some fast switching between them. I don't see any major differences - there are some significant changes in the front panel wiring and parts that'll be a pain to change, but totally do-able. The rest is just changing out parts, mostly on the main circuit board. Adding and subtracting a few parts. Depending on your skillz it looks like a couple of hours of work.

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: Gyp C. on March 31, 2013, 10:35:56 AM
Thanks for the info.
The auction finished while I was held up at work.  Some lucky guy scored a C'tone-built HRM 100 in head cab with a Kleinulator for AUS$885.

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: squatch on March 31, 2013, 11:46:54 PM
Yeah Gyp that was a score for some lucky dude!
I woulda jumped if I hadn't have bought my HRM (50W) 3 weeks ago (now I'm broke heh)
I didn't realise that 100 watter was HRM though...thought it was a regular Overtone

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: LeftyF on April 02, 2013, 02:01:26 AM
Cripes, I paid $1300.00 US for mine without the Klienulstor (which I picked up after the fact).

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: plasticvonaband on April 02, 2013, 02:46:04 AM
I have my eye on a 100w HRM for sale. From reading and clips I really like the Bluesmaster, especially the clean tones.
So how difficult would it be to convert an HRM to BM specs?
 As I understand it, they're basically the same circuit. Would it be a matter of changing small component values, or are there different trannies and major wiring changes?

Experts please explain. (I don't think it's fair to bother Nik for info on a used amp. The man's busy enough!)

The differences are in the main and HRM tonestacks, mainly. Like sduck said, it's just a matters of swapping the caps and resistors out. Also the BM doesn't have the pull bright on the OD master volume, just a set bright cap


Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: sduck on April 03, 2013, 03:52:46 AM
I kind of glossed over this, but I seem to recall that at least 2 of the front panel pots need to be changed, and these are going to be the big deal in this conversion. This part won't be easy, but if you approach it patiently and methodically, you can do it.

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: LeftyF on April 04, 2013, 02:56:32 AM
For me it's just a curiosity. The HRM sounds so good as is I would not make the
Changes. It's just a monster of an amp with a very wide sweet spot compared to the other d-styles I've played through.

Title: Re: Possible HRM to Bluesmaster conversion?
Post by: Tone Control on May 01, 2013, 08:05:47 PM
I have both. They are different enough to justify having both, but they are clearly similar.
BM with Alnico is lovely. More typically John Mayer
HRM with EVM is cleaner, but less 60s Fender. More typically SRV
I'd have the BM if I had to keep one

I never noticed the pull switch on the HRM OD Level before. I think I would prefer the opposite! I need to set the trimmers
