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Author Topic: OTS Mini 20 vs OTS 50W  (Read 7405 times)
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« on: August 02, 2014, 04:18:21 PM »

So I am not a pro or even semi pro player.  But I have an OTS 50w.  This amp is amazing.  But I have a herniated disc and I am just a jam with friends/bedroom player. 

So I am thinking of selling the 50, and getting an OTS 20, using a Neo speaker, pine or paulownia cabinet and making a light weight dumble.

But I am worried that the tone will suck after being used to the big sound of 6L6s.  There is no one on youtube that has compared the 2 despite some of these people owning both. 

If anyone here owns both, can you tell me if I will be crying about my lost clean tone? 
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« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 01:05:29 AM »

Hi there,  I have OTS 100W. I used to play on stage and home studio, I love this amp and I have something to compare as I also own a Boogie Mark One, a MArk III, a Boogie Caliber + 50 w, Fender Delux Reber Amp 65... Just to say  I love my OTS not like if it was my only one amp but cause it is a real crazy well done. So as I moved from home to a boat.. and palying only on small stages like bars, restaurants and boats, I order a Lunchbox. I have not the 2 amp side by side to compare sound in direct for now, but I can confirm you you cannot be disapointed with Lunchbox. The 20 W seams really under reality. You will probably never be able too crank it up at home. As for the sound I believe the OD chanel is little bit more dirty easely and there is a fantastic OD trim on the back that I have not in the OTS. The clean chanel in my opinion is little bit more clean than my OTS too. So you can change you excellent 50 w for the OTS mini without doubt in your range of use. Regarding the weight and your herny disc issue, I suggest you buy a head and a separate speaker cab as you can take one in each hand and be balanced. The commun head cab is 5 kg and if you DIY you can divid it or ask Nik for a head cab option in carbon for 1 kg eheh... hope that's help !

C'est décidé, dans ma prochaine vie je veux être un musicien, et dans la suivante : un génie. Et si le Bon Vieux me fait une fleur, il me fera les 2 en même temps....
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« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 02:08:00 PM »

I have an HRM Bluesmaster 50 and have built some OTS20's  They're very similar sounding.  The OTS20 will definitely cover the same territory as the larger OTS models.
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