Ceriatone Forum

Ceriatone => Overtone => Topic started by: ConradBD on March 27, 2015, 01:08:53 AM

Title: OTS lunchbox 20 sounding "tinny"
Post by: ConradBD on March 27, 2015, 01:08:53 AM

I'm new here. I got my ots mini a few months ago. I originally got a 1x12 orange cab with a celestion vintage 30 speaker in it. I have a fender stratocaster with vintage noisless pickups. When I first played through it I noticed it sounded very thin and "tinny", kind of like how a guitar could sound if you just used a line in for recording. I figured the problem was the speaker since all the clips on youtube I heard sounded a lot more full; so I switched out the v30 for a g12h-75. Sounds better now but it still sounds a bit too tinny for my tastes. I've played my guitar in other amps and didn't have the same problem. I mainly notice this when I'm recording or am directly infront of the speaker. Can anyone help?

Title: Re: OTS lunchbox 20 sounding "tinny"
Post by: roadapple on April 03, 2015, 05:18:31 PM
I use two different cabinets with my OTS mini 20. One using an Eminence Patriot Cannabis Rex 12" 50 watter and the other with a Scumback M75 LHDC 100 watter.
The Scumback is better for doing single coil stuff, blues, SRV etc.. The speaker doesn't break up with just the 20 watts unless you're playing loud (which the OTS mini is loud), but sounds awesome!
The Cannabis Rex is a little smoother/creamier, better for Santana, classic rock, anything with a little more gain than blues as the speaker breaks up a bit easier.

Title: Re: OTS lunchbox 20 sounding "tinny"
Post by: rusty chops on April 09, 2015, 04:45:55 PM
I too thought this lil amp was a bit bright when I first got it and the OD was kind of buzzy with a farty low end... Sounded just ok with my LP and 335 but a bit bright with the strat. But alas, I'm a strat guy...I had bought a tonetubby low watt alnico12" hemp to try ( as I'm a bedroom play these days) but it turned out to be a bit boxy sounding ( it sounds great in SFDR tho')...I had a very old EVM 12s that I put into a small , open back pine cab and that helped a lot. So I decided to wait a while and let the amp break in some more but it never quite got as warm as I hoping for.  What really did the trick was to put EH12ax7 in V1,V2 and Sovtek12ax7LPS in V3( all from Doug's) which really smoothed out the overall tone and has added a 3D vibe...now this is one sweet sound with my strat ( the strat has Kerry Learned '64 pups).  I think the JJ's  pre-amp tubes were a bit harsh sounding for my taste. There is still a few mods I"d like to try, but at this moment I'm happy with it so far. I also got the Klienulator which adds a bit more control to the overall tone.