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Author Topic: Modding my OTS to original Dumble spec?  (Read 6437 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: October 06, 2013, 04:45:13 AM »

Just curious but I found a schematic from an original Dumble. Anyway I gave it to my amp tech (who built my amp from Niks kit) and he identified a number of mainly value changes to a number of components (forgive me im not a tech). So as the OTS isn't my main gig amp anymore, I asked him to source the bits and make the changes. I haven't got the amp back yet but i'll keep you all posted.

Anyone done the same?


Carol Ann OD-2
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« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 08:46:35 AM »

You do know that every ODS that came from HAD was different? Before making the changes, do some research to find out the characteristics of the model the schematic came from. Some were voiced to a particular guitar and yours might be very different.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 04:38:10 PM »

This is a bit ambiguous. What Dumble schematic? Which year?

The Dumbles are NOT actually all unique circuits, but since he built them one at a time, there were tweaks and simple variations. But the ODS evolved through the years and then many were updated with later specs at the artist requests.

The Ceriatone OTS uses a new layout, but most models are the same as any schematic of a real Dumble. Chances are you are doing nothing but modded the amp from one Dumble circuit to another. It's a lateral move, but it's one you should research. You may be modding from a ODS circuit you like a lot to one you don't.

However, if you want the pre-Classic (1st Generation) or Classic (2nd Generation) clean channel, that might very well by your best option, I'm not sure if Ceriatone offers a pre-Skyliner clean channel...I'm not sure if any Dumble cloner does these days. And there may be a reason for that. People really seem to favor the 3rd generation and later ODS circuits, and Ceriatone has those covered pretty well.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 04:44:09 PM by wyatt » Logged
Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2013, 03:51:47 AM »

Hi all. I got the amp back but haven't had a chance to plug in yet. I will keep you posted. Another qn though, I have a carol ann od2 that is the main gig amp. It sounds huge compared to the ots. Not a volume thing but it just has a bigger tonal or harmonic foot print. The sound from the same cab when compared to the carol ann is, well, smaller. Still great mind you but doesn't have the same girth as the carol ann.


Carol Ann OD-2
OTS 50 modded and modded
Carol Ann Tucana 3
2000 PRS McCarty
2011 PRS CU24 59/09s 5w blade
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« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2013, 09:55:37 PM »

If I remember correctly, the OD-2 is based on either the HRM or the BM, which both sound bigger and fuller with more dynamics than the other ODS or OTS circuits; especially the BM


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