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Author Topic: Loose low end on Overtone????  (Read 17385 times)
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« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2008, 02:17:11 AM »

So, I should lower the value of that same 5uF cap next to the 2K2 resistor in V2 until I find the value that solves the problem correct?

That's it....

Cool...Thanks fullerplast! I will go get the caps tomorrow and try this out.

Agree with you, but we should suggest the simplest solution for archelo  to use, who describe himself as a newb. ;-), which is why i suggest the Gill Ayan mod. However,a s always each to his own  Grin

I am definitely a newb....no shame in admitting it...

I tried looking for the details on the Gil Ayan mod in ampgarage.com but am not having much luck...a lot of posts to read through. I will keep looking...

Thanks again guys!

Here Ya go: http://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5888   Cheesy it's quite easy

Thank you bluesfendermanblues...of course, this generates more stupid questions by me....

Ayan rights...."my mod is .0047uF (4.7 nF) // 4.7Meg. I don't use it in the amp(s) with 100K plate loads, but I did use it in the amps with 220K/150K plate loads."

1. Does the OTS use 220K/150K plate loads? Are these the 2 resistors in the latest OTS layout (May08) which are connected to pins 1 and 6 of V2?
2. Do I replace one of the caps on V2 or simply add the .0047uF cap?
3. Do I remove either the 2K2 or the 3K3 resistors in V2 and if so, which one goes....or....do I add the 4.7M resistor and if so where?
4. You could send me to hell whenever you like?  Grin

Sorry guys...I hope to speak your language one day but for now, I may need a little hand holding so i don't destroy my amp.

thanks again!

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« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2008, 03:19:16 PM »

I was finally able to mess a little more with the OTS last night. Based on the information in this forum related to the proper orientation to use when adjusting the OD Trimmer (should be looking from the input side of chassis towards the trany) mine came from factory set at 2 o'clock.  Huh? 

I never messed with it because looking in the opposite direction it looked like it was at 10. I backed it off to about 10-11 and the low end issue I was having improved. It's still there but much more manageable than before. I tried to go a little lower but felt that 10-11 is where i like it best. I'm inclined not to change a thing with the cathode bypass cap but am curious about the frequency cut off detailed by bluesfendermanblues. I am going to lower one the caps a bit and see what happens...stay tuned...
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« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2008, 03:48:23 PM »

So, I should lower the value of that same 5uF cap next to the 2K2 resistor in V2 until I find the value that solves the problem correct?

That's it....

Cool...Thanks fullerplast! I will go get the caps tomorrow and try this out.

Agree with you, but we should suggest the simplest solution for archelo  to use, who describe himself as a newb. ;-), which is why i suggest the Gill Ayan mod. However,a s always each to his own  Grin

I am definitely a newb....no shame in admitting it...

I tried looking for the details on the Gil Ayan mod in ampgarage.com but am not having much luck...a lot of posts to read through. I will keep looking...

Thanks again guys!

Here Ya go: http://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5888   Cheesy it's quite easy

Thank you bluesfendermanblues...of course, this generates more stupid questions by me....

Ayan rights...."my mod is .0047uF (4.7 nF) // 4.7Meg. I don't use it in the amp(s) with 100K plate loads, but I did use it in the amps with 220K/150K plate loads."

1. Does the OTS use 220K/150K plate loads? Are these the 2 resistors in the latest OTS layout (May08) which are connected to pins 1 and 6 of V2?
2. Do I replace one of the caps on V2 or simply add the .0047uF cap?
3. Do I remove either the 2K2 or the 3K3 resistors in V2 and if so, which one goes....or....do I add the 4.7M resistor and if so where?
4. You could send me to hell whenever you like?  Grin

Sorry guys...I hope to speak your language one day but for now, I may need a little hand holding so i don't destroy my amp.

thanks again!

ad 1: yes, 220k/150k
ad.2 : dont change anything just add the 47nf cap
ad. 3 no dont change those either, the 4,7m goes to input ground before the 220k, which goes into the 100k input trimmer and the 47nf is connected between the other end ogf the 4,7M and the 220k. The trimmer goes to the 68k input grid connection 2 on V2.
add4: I don't wan't you to get into trouble with these mods, if you're insecure don't touch anything. The amp contains lethal voltages. Its a great toy for a guitarist, but dangerous to poke around in.

Just turn the trim to 09:00 and let it stay these for at couple of days and try out different settings on input volume and OD gains-  you'll be surprised - godd luck
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 03:51:00 PM by bluesfendermanblues » Logged

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2008, 05:44:00 PM »

Great...Thank you bluesfendermanblues! This is awesome information. I will definitely watch myself inside the amp...no doubt. At least you have cleared up some doubts as to what I was looking at in the layout which is extremely helpful.

For right now...I will take your advise and mess around with the settings before getting in there and changing stuff. I have definitely noticed the range of tones available by just adjusting the input, volume and OD gains. Reminds me of my MKIIc+....

Anyway...thanks again for all the advice.
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« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2008, 06:58:05 PM »


Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2008, 10:09:39 PM »

Agree with you, but we should suggest the simplest solution for archelo  to use, who describe himself as a newb. ;-), which is why i suggest the Gill Ayan mod. However,a s always each to his own  Grin

I am definitely a newb....no shame in admitting it...

I tried looking for the details on the Gil Ayan mod in ampgarage.com but am not having much luck...a lot of posts to read through. I will keep looking...

Thanks again guys!

Here Ya go: http://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5888   Cheesy it's quite easy

And don't forget the "Patch Cord" mod which does some similar things and is not permanent. Just a 6foot to 2foot patch cord across the send/return jacks sending the signal through a 250pf cap and 220k resistor in parallel.
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« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2008, 10:28:57 PM »

I didn't mount those to components in my amp - what does it sound like??

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2008, 10:53:23 PM »


After testing with various length cords, it seems the cord length may have as much effect as the resistor/cap network.
That clip is with a particular 6ft cable that sounds good in the loop.
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« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2008, 11:59:02 AM »

A cable in the loop makes a *huge* difference in the high end smoothness and response. Different length, different construction are all worth trying. At about 30pF/ft of cable, you are adding a fair amount of capacitance to the signal path.

It's the easiest way to smooth out a D amp without a mod.
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« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2008, 03:43:52 PM »

I was able to get in touch with Gil Ayan and he responded with the exact placement of his mod...heres are his comments in case anyone wants to know exactly where he placed the components in the circuit:

"The resistor and cap are in parallel to one another. Interrupt the connection between the wire that comes from the relay board and the 220K resistor at the input of the overdrive, and insert the pair (4.7M//.0047uF) in series with that. So, relay to 4.7M//.0047uF, to 220K resistor. "

After playing the amp for a few days, it seems that the problem still exists even messing with the OD trimmer. Because of this, I actually removed the trimmer and placed a 100K pot where the unused ground switch was and wired it accordingly. Now I can adjust it on the fly which has really helped in dialing it in. I also lowered one of the caps in the OD channel but still seems a little funky when playing single notes in the lower registers. Since I like tinkering with this stuff,  I'm going to try Ayan's mod and cross my fingers.   
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