Happy New Year!
Thats cool man!
As for the FM50, I quite like it. Some find it a bit bright, I guess.
I had a local guy who bought it, and we tweaked it a bit to his liking. Pretty much simple stuff that's done all the time:
a) lower bright cap on the MV
b) 3 way bright cap on the bright switch (68, none, 120pf)
c) 100K slope, 0.001uf treble (instead of 0.0022uf)
d) Switch for the LNFB (local neg feedback loop)
e) Lower bright caps for the Clator as well
f) i also changed the 22m resistors on the PAB relay to 10m.
I guess, my ears are a bit gone, since I dont find the amp that bright?
But then again, I realize that there are people who like it darker (kinda dark for my usual preference), and smoother.
Well, just sayin the mods, if you need it to be less bright, are easy to do.
The switch for LNFB is also always a nice feature to have, IMHO.
The Clator would be nice to have, for sure, but it's not a requirement.
This amp reminds me of the S%M, but less bright. Its got bite for sure, on the OD.
Hey Brian and the rest, I'm that local guy

Please do check out the couple of clips recorded with a Zoom H1 (set VERY off axis) of the modded FM with the C-Lator and a 1x12 cab with a G12-65H.
a) Impressions - using an Ibanez AM400 with PAFs, pretty much set to Robben Ford's settings (with all bright switches turned off), I did try to play the Brother and some Carlton licks but only from memory (no practice) and then a bunch of chords while chatting with a buddy and my toddlers.
b) Crunchy - using the Ibby again but somehow the recording was a little more dark, I think the Zoom was shifted even More off axis.
c) Impromptu Minor Blues - using a Tele with Fred Stuart Blackguard pickups with the FM set real clean. The first solo was the tele and then I comp a bit then ended with the final longer solo. My pal was playing a Strat into a Princeton Reverb amp. oh, for all the clips I had a Strymon El Cap Tape Delay in the C-Lator loop with the mix set low.