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Author Topic: It's Heeeere!!!  (Read 83102 times)
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« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2007, 11:03:47 AM »

I'm referring to the Dumble's clips here:

  Marinblues, I guess this Overtone will be a little bit different from the tone you're thinking about.
I totally agree with what ChrisL is saying, if you really want to listen to a similar amp to Overtone probably  the Fuchs Train 45 is closer.  It doesn't have the creamy sustained dumblish tone from the ODS, or to tell it better, as ChrisL do, we aren't able to get that tone.
 I'm so happy there is another Overtone user and moreover owner of a D'lite who is getting same tones as me, otherwise it would have been a strange feeling to have a Dumble but not the Dumble tone.
 As someone suggested the speakers can do a lot for it, maybe a low headroom speaker is much more suitable for Carlton's tone.
 Sunday my amp will be played by a Van Weelden owner and by a great amp tech, I'm waiting for their response to complete my review.

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« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2007, 11:26:17 AM »

I'm referring to the Dumble's clips here:

  Marinblues, I guess this Overtone will be a little bit different from the tone you're thinking about.
I totally agree with what ChrisL is saying, if you really want to listen to a similar amp to Overtone probably  the Fuchs Train 45 is closer.  It doesn't have the creamy sustained dumblish tone from the ODS, or to tell it better, as ChrisL do, we aren't able to get that tone.

OK, I get you know.... Wink Speaking about creamy tone, this sample rocks, perhaps too much gain, but certainly "creamy" in my books. Actually, it sounds like a Robben tone but with less midrange:


If the Overtone can do this thing, its a heck of an amp.


 I'm so happy there is another Overtone user and moreover owner of a D'lite who is getting same tones as me, otherwise it would have been a strange feeling to have a Dumble but not the Dumble tone.
 As someone suggested the speakers can do a lot for it, maybe a low headroom speaker is much more suitable for Carlton's tone.

Like a 30w greenback?

I'll be honest, I don't mind the added Marshally flavour. I means that I don't have to buy a Marshall-type amp to complement. Smiley



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« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2007, 03:32:03 PM »

For those of you who have the Overtone (or don't):

Did or would you go with el34's or 6l6's for the power tubes and why? or 6v6's for that matter.

For the fellas who did the reviews< sounds like you are comparing the Overtone to more of a TW sound that what we generally look to Dumble for (LC, RF).
Are you really not able to coax those sounds out of the amp?
How does this amp compare to Nik's TW amps in sound?
Are you guys running  6l6's?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 06:29:17 PM by gunner » Logged
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« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2007, 08:42:32 PM »

Did or would you go with el34's or 6l6's for the power tubes and why? or 6v6's for that matter.

No 6V6s, too much current for them.
I choose 6L6GC over Nik's suggestion, even if I do prefer EL34s to them.  Nik built the amp with 6L6, so the tweaks  were made with them.  Generally speaking, 6L6 bigger and more defined bass response, but less and thinner mids and distortion "flavour" is thinner, modern, while EL34 give you a not so good bass response but bigger and more pleasant mids and the distortion is much more harmonically rich.  This is just my experience.  I was 6L6 guy, now EL34.

For the fellas who did the reviews< sounds like you are comparing the Overtone to more of a TW sound that what we generally look to Dumble for (LC, RF).
Are you really not able to coax those sounds out of the amp?

I was thinking the same, I know it's strange, but what I can tell you?  I can't get that tones and I'm near to Marshall grind, with strats and humbuckers too.  As I said sunday my amp will be played by some guitarists, I'll report their settings and tones.
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« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2007, 09:43:14 PM »

Did or would you go with el34's or 6l6's for the power tubes and why? or 6v6's for that matter.

No 6V6s, too much current for them.
I choose 6L6GC over Nik's suggestion, even if I do prefer EL34s to them.  Nik built the amp with 6L6, so the tweaks  were made with them.  Generally speaking, 6L6 bigger and more defined bass response, but less and thinner mids and distortion "flavour" is thinner, modern, while EL34 give you a not so good bass response but bigger and more pleasant mids and the distortion is much more harmonically rich.  This is just my experience.  I was 6L6 guy, now EL34.

For the fellas who did the reviews< sounds like you are comparing the Overtone to more of a TW sound that what we generally look to Dumble for (LC, RF).
Are you really not able to coax those sounds out of the amp?

I was thinking the same, I know it's strange, but what I can tell you?  I can't get that tones and I'm near to Marshall grind, with strats and humbuckers too.  As I said sunday my amp will be played by some guitarists, I'll report their settings and tones.

Thanks for the info. very informative. I have been thinking about ordering another amp, so I am gathering as much info as I can. We'll all be looking forward to the additional feedback  from you on those other guitarists.
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« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2007, 02:48:02 AM »

Wo wo.... Cheesy I'm not saying this amp is getting into the Wreck spectrum of raw mayhem.....no way.  Here is what I have been testing for the past few days.

For the Ford/Carlton flavors the internal OD trimmer is VERY important in determining that tone.  If you check out the amp settings of F/C and set the Overtone similarly you WILL get in the ballpark.  After that it is OD trimmer to taste, guitar and pup combinations, SPEAKER (did I say that loud enough..lol) and massive amounts of talent in that style of playing which unfortunately I can't do very well.  Right now I have the trimmer at 10 oclock and sounds great.

Now, If you up the OD level with a Greenback, V30, Wizard, Sammi 40 or 50, G12H30, you WILL get Marshall tones with plenty of bite and lower mid punch. 

I've yet to try EL34's in the amp.  That might be interesting, too.   Who knows there may be a little "wreckage" hidden away in there in a more refined, sophisticated way..lol
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« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2007, 10:20:37 AM »

Ok,  I've played the amp for some hours last week end, and many guitar players played it with their guitars.
 I don't know why but the amp had a different behaviour yesterday and Saturday, maybe it's just me and the knowledge about the amp and its controls, listen again to Steelbender Fuchs ODS clips and re-think to Overtone, finally I did understand why Mr. Fuchs got so angry against Nik, I don't need to add anything else if not a big smile.
 "... if you want to control feedback, just think it...." wow!!!!  The controlled feedback, the creamy, powerful, endless sustain used by Jason Barker in higher gain clips... finally I have it with my Overtone!!  The trick is to set the ratio all the way up.

 Using a 335 with it, played by a guitarist much better than me, was the final step to come into Carlton tone (more than Ford one).  We got that tone finally, and it wasn't difficult with the 335, I've just talked about higher gain, but the Overtone is elegant, read again, it's elegant like no other amp I've ever played.

 I've taken it to a sort of amptest here in Italy, without any doubt everyone who listened to it got totally crazy about the tone, with no exceptions.

 Thanks Nik, really thank a lot.
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« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2007, 03:47:06 PM »

I was just notified that my Ceriatone Overtone was shiped out today! Looks like I'm going to get an early Christmas present. I just finished building a 2 x 12 cabinet out of finger jointed pine loaded with 2 Celestion G12-65 speakers to use with the Overtone so the timing couldn't have been better. Looks like my Rodenberg Flexloop 3D is shipping in the next couple of days as well. Smiley

I'll post my thoughts once everything arrives and I get a chance to play with it for a day or two.



Ulbrick Sound Venue 30 Verbovibe  1 x 12
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Klotz La Grange
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« Reply #38 on: December 07, 2007, 11:40:13 PM »

I was just notified that my Ceriatone Overtone was shiped out today! Looks like I'm going to get an early Christmas present. I just finished building a 2 x 12 cabinet out of finger jointed pine loaded with 2 Celestion G12-65 speakers to use with the Overtone so the timing couldn't have been better. Looks like my Rodenberg Flexloop 3D is shipping in the next couple of days as well. Smiley

I'll post my thoughts once everything arrives and I get a chance to play with it for a day or two.


Hey Chuck,

That's great.  I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of the amp given your first hand, extended experience with the Fuchs and Two Rock amps.
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« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2007, 05:41:06 PM »

Anyone got any Overtone soundclips to post? ??


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« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2007, 10:51:42 PM »

I've been planning to but I haven't been able to get any time to get in to my buddies studio.  Bedroom recording sounds good but it does the amp no justice not fired up.  I'm off to Hawaii for a couple weeks so after that for sure....ok?
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« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2007, 10:59:32 PM »

I've been planning to but I haven't been able to get any time to get in to my buddies studio.  Bedroom recording sounds good but it does the amp no justice not fired up.  I'm off to Hawaii for a couple weeks so after that for sure....ok?

the bedroom stuff will be fine too. 


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« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2007, 09:14:24 AM »

we want sound clips, we want sound clips, we want sound clips...
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« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2007, 02:51:12 AM »

Okay. My Ceriatone Overtone Special arrived today. Killer looks and wiring! Nice job. Neatly (safely) packed. Smiley So far so good. (ha ha)

Questions: Footswitch Yes? No? I didn't get one. Anybody get one? If not, any idea which/what footswitch works with the pin configuration? Does Nik offer one? Needs one in my books.

Internal pots? I count three. Two blue ones (left side of the chassis and center main board) and one black one with a white center. (main board as well). I'm assuming the black pot with the white center is the bias knob? What do the other two do?
Anybody get a manual with the amp? Available online at Ceriatone? Did I miss it?

Clean channel is KILLER. TONS of tones! Smiley OD channel seems a little weak. have to dime the level and ratio on the OD channel to get anywhere near the gain that was in the OD of my Fuchs. I'm assuming I need to adjust the internal trimmer for the gain? Again, (sorry) which pot? Is there an internal pot for the gain boost? Does the gain boost bypass the tone stack?

Sorry for all the questions that may seem basic, but the OD channel seems so thin and anemic in comparison to the clean channel, it has kind of thrown me here. (I obviously need to adjust somethiing here, just not sure what to start adjusting) When I first fired up this amp I actually thought I was on the OD channel when in fact I was on the clean channel. (found that out when I went to move the level ratio knobs and nothing happened) When I did switch over to the OD channel PAB not engaged) I had to dime the level and ratio to get a louder, thicker tone than the clean channel. (doesn't seem right) 

Sent the same questions to Nik, just thought I might get a quicker response here.

Thanks for your time



Ulbrick Sound Venue 30 Verbovibe  1 x 12
Ulbrick Sound Stadium 80 Special head + matching 2 x 12 cabinet
Ceriatone Overtone Special


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Klotz La Grange
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« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2007, 04:01:11 AM »

Never mind. Smiley

Nik to the rescue. All is good! Just needed to nudge the OD trimmer up a tad. Holy Crap! Does that make a BIG difference.

Full report to follow once I play around with a few tubes.

Chuck Smiley


Ulbrick Sound Venue 30 Verbovibe  1 x 12
Ulbrick Sound Stadium 80 Special head + matching 2 x 12 cabinet
Ceriatone Overtone Special


Heritage H-150CM with Wolfetone Dr Vintage pickups


Ulbrick Sound 12AXE


Klotz La Grange
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