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« Reply #75 on: January 24, 2008, 07:01:31 AM »

I ordered the kit, too....Nik said he was just waiting for some parts to come in (and he should have them next week).  Once he gets those, he said I should get the kit much sooner than the amp (I'm assuming a couple of weeks as opposed to 6-8 weeks)

Did you order the head box, too or just the chassis?

I'll be posting some clips as soon as I get it in and put it together.

Did you guys get an e-mail from Niki telling you your amp shipped, or did it just show up? Can't wait for mine to get here but I don't want to keep bugging Niki with e-mail "is it ready yet..." I'm waiting on a kit/parts so I hope it is not 6 weeks. Did Niki say how long for the kit?
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« Reply #76 on: February 14, 2008, 12:25:55 AM »

No one has replied to my first post but having read all this, I am expecting an email from Nik tonight and will pull that proverbial trigger. As always, very excited to get a new amp..I have been looking for the right one forever..707, that  makes me unique? not.

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« Reply #77 on: February 17, 2008, 04:10:10 AM »

Okay...Mine came in on Friday!!!  I couldn't open it fast enough!  By the way, HUGE Kudos to Nik for all of his help (answering a million questions patiently), working with me to get the amp to me quickly, and a SUPERB packing job!   I wish the amp had some sort of manual, as it's a little confusing if you're not familiar with the Dumble controls.  Thank Goodness for this forum.

Okay, first impressions:  Build quality is great and seems very solid!  When I plugged it up, I immediately fell in love with the huge, powerful, punchy clean tones!  I own/have owned many, MANY tubes amps and great clean tones and loud clean headroom are a must.  This amp did not diasappoint there!  I took it out on a gig Friday night, and was having a hard time dialing in an overdrive tone that I liked.  It was very "buzzy"  I ended up just using my Xotic BB Preamp and Keeley Tubescreamer with it.  I had some of the really good local players come out and sit in and everyone loved it...it handles pedals perfectly, but I still want to learn to get the overdrive tones that I've read about for so long.  Nik has given me some suggestions, and I'll keep tweaking it.   I'll post some clips here soon....
Anyone have suggestions?  should I be tweaking the internal gain trimmer?
THANKS AGAIN NIK for everything! 
« Last Edit: February 17, 2008, 03:04:03 PM by JeffreyB » Logged
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« Reply #78 on: February 17, 2008, 06:19:26 AM »

I have been eyeing the Flexloop for a while as well.   Let me know what you think when you get it.  I was looking for a loop for my D'lite but I went with the Ironsounds buffered DIY loop.  I works perfectly.  There is also a lot of literature for a Dumbleator out there so that is an option as well.[/i]

Chrisl is that the effects loop circuit they have on their site, I am intersted in seeing if that can be put in the overtone.

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« Reply #79 on: February 17, 2008, 07:55:44 AM »

Okay...Mine came in on Friday!!!  I couldn't open it fast enough!  By the way, HUGE Kudos to Nik for all of his help (answering a million questions patiently), working with me to get the amp to me quickly, and a SUPERB packing job!   I wish the amp had some sort of manual, as it's a little confusing if you're not familiar with the Dumble controls.  Thank Goodness for this forum.

Okay, first impressions:  Build quality is great and seems very solid!  When I plugged it up, I immediately fell in love with the huge, powerful, punchy clean tones!  I own/have owned many, MANY tubes amps and great clean tones and loud clean headroom are a must.  This amp did not diasappoint there!  I took it out on a gig Friday night, and was having a hard time dialing in an overdrive tone that I liked.  It was very "buzzy"  I ended up just using my Xotic BB Preamp and Keeley Tubescreamer with it.  I had some of the really good local players come out and sit in and everyone loved it...it handles pedals perfectly, but I still want to learn to get the overdrive tones that I've read about for so long.  Nik has given me some suggestions, and I'll keep tweaking it.   I'll post some clips here soon....
Anyone have suggestions?  should I be teaking the internal gain trimmer?
THANKS AGAIN NIK for everything! 

My suggestion is: give some time (a couple of weeks).

The way the overdrive works, the different switches, ecc....it takes a bit of time to get used to it. Also, the tubes are new, give them a few hours.



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« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2008, 02:56:51 AM »

Still having problems getting a good overdrive tone...It sounds buzzy and a little harsh....like it's lacking in the mids.  I read somewhere that someone put a patch cable in effects loop and that's what RF does in his Dumble to smooth out the highs a bit.....any truth to that?
Also, should I adjust the gain trim pot inside the amp....maybe back it off a bit?

I've tried several guitars.... american strat with texas specials, 57 reissue custom shop les paul gold top, music man axis, and carvin carved top (PRS style)....it's definitely the closest with the Carvin to what I'm after.

It sounds amazing with it running loud and clean with my Keeley TubeScreamer or Xotic BB Preamp in front of it, but I shouldn't need those with this amp (hopefully I'll figure it out)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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« Reply #81 on: February 19, 2008, 07:02:55 AM »

As I see that effect loop thing,... there are two ways of doing it.

If you take a close look at the effect loop schematic

...you'll see that using a patch cable will bypass that resistor and capacitor. So try it out and if you like it, you could remove that C&R and keep it like that.

As for RF patch in the loop... I read somewhere he used a long low grade cable which translates into High capacitance cable... and that would smooth out the highs a bit.

...but maybe it's just a myth, I don't know


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« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2008, 03:46:27 PM »

Still having problems getting a good overdrive tone...It sounds buzzy and a little harsh....like it's lacking in the mids. 

Are the tubes OK?

Maybe its worth trying to swap out the 12ax7's one by one with a good tube.


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« Reply #83 on: February 19, 2008, 04:36:49 PM »

IMHO-without being a tech, you shouldn't have to put a patch cable in your amp to make it sound good, you have another problem. If everyone who has gotten this amp is getting to hear what they want then yours  is an anomaly. so guys, are you all happy with what you hear?-serious question, I just sent a thousand dollars and I want to know
Like Marin said-check tubes and do it one tube at a time without changing anything else 

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« Reply #84 on: February 19, 2008, 07:14:52 PM »

Okay...I've been working with this thing for quite a while...It almost seems as if the tone controls (Bass, mid, treble) don't work at all when the overdrive is engaged....so, i'm wondering....is there a way to put a mod on the overdrive circuit that will tame the highs a bit?  The amp sounds gorgeous, but again, I feel that the overdrive is a bit fuzzy or ratty in the high end....someone mentioned replacing the preamp tubes...are there some that will actually smooth out the high end?Huh?

Also, I read about making adjustments to the gain trim inside the amp...does that control the overdrive or the preamp boost?

I'm getting closer....maybe the amp is breaking in a little, too.

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« Reply #85 on: February 19, 2008, 07:41:45 PM »

This is strange... I don't even have the amp yet but I'm passing advices how to make it sound better... maybe I should just Lips Sealed
What I've heard from Sami and Marin, that amp doesn't need any mods but still...

... for the OD you could increase 270pf snubber caps to 330pf
Smaller snubber caps will give the OD sound a little more presence and bigger caps will mellow out the sound a bit.

Why don't you ask Nik about this, he should have a few ideas as well I think.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 09:06:19 PM by mcinku » Logged

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« Reply #86 on: February 20, 2008, 08:37:28 PM »

Oh, those damn pesky snubber caps!

I don't really want to do anything to the amp if it's not necessary.
I'm curious to see what settings SPM is using....his tones are what I'm after.
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« Reply #87 on: February 24, 2008, 03:24:15 PM »

From what I have read, I would change the od trimmer settings. What I would do is turn the mid and treble down to zero, and drive the bass up. Then dial in the amount of highs. In all my old Marshalls, I never turn the treble up unless I have to cut through. But playing at home sitting right in front of any amp, you most often dont need to set the amp up with a lot of treble. Give it a whirl.

SPM nailed the tone I am looking for in this amp, give him a shout, and check his youtube video, I think he indicates his settings on that video.
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« Reply #88 on: February 24, 2008, 11:34:18 PM »

I TOTALLY agree with you...SPM has absolutely nailed the tone I want from the amp...
I haven't been able to get his settings... I have tried rolling all the treble off...as i usually don't play with very much anyway, and have played with the mids when the OD is engaged, but it seems as if the tone controls do almost nothing when using the OD...

so, I'm thinking it has to do with getting the ratio and overdrive set right and the internal trimmer set right.

SPM?  are you around?Huh??

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« Reply #89 on: February 25, 2008, 01:04:22 AM »


I posted a thought or two in the other thread where your clip is.  Great playing BTW and I think the tone you are getting is pretty damn fine, too.  Tube compliment and trimmer settings might get you where you want to go but I'm afraid I see a soldering iron in your not too distant future....Snubbers, MV cap, OD entrance, OD bypass network, plate and cathode values are only but a few tricks in HAD's bag of mojo for dialing in "your" tone. 
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