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Author Topic: How do you handle humbuckers with the OTS  (Read 11490 times)
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« on: March 30, 2009, 08:54:07 AM »

Hi Guys
I'm still struggling a bit with using my Hamer Studio (Seymore Duncan '59's) with the OTS (regular type).

I have my amp set up this way:
clean volume = 4.5/5
the OD Level = 4
the Ratio       = 6
Master          = 5
OD Trimmer   =9.30
I use the Klein to change the volume.
This works pretty good with the Tele (Kinmans) and a Strat with Texas Specials
With the Hamer I get a nasty razor edge on the OD sound though. I need to role back the volume of the clean channel to about 2,5/3.
With my Strat with EMG humbuckers it's even worse. I have to role to volume of the clean channel even further back to get an undistorted clean tone.

Is that the same with your setup?
Should I look for humbucker pickups with a lower output? I thoght the '59's aren't that hot.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 06:58:19 AM by Steven_nl » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 09:51:19 PM »

which Duncans are you referring to? the 59's perhaps?

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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2009, 11:59:43 PM »

Hi Guys
I'm still struggling a bit with using my Hamer Studio (Seymore Duncan '57's) with the OTS (regular type).

I have my amp set up this way:
clean volume = 4.5/5
the OD Level = 4
the Ratio       = 6
Master          = 5
I use the Klein to change the volume.
This works pretty good with the Tele (Kinmans) and a Strat with Texas Specials
With the Hamer I get a nasty razor edge on the OD sound though. I need to role back the volume of the clean channel to about 2,5/3.
With my Strat with EMG humbuckers it's even worse. I have to role to volume of the clean channel even further back to get an undistorted clean tone.

Is that the same with your setup?
Should I look for humbucker pickups with a lower output? I thoght the '57's aren't that hot.


I have a '59 RI Les Paul with Burstbucker 1 & 2 pickups. It is the loudest guitar I have ever played, but the impedances are only about 8-8.5 (go figure ). I have played guitars with overwound humbuckers (12 ohms+) that are not nearly as loud. Also have a Heritage Les Paul w/Duncan '59s(nearly as loud)  and a '74 Les Paul w/ full size OEM HBs (7.5 ohms). I like the old, "well behaved",  70's humbuckers the best.

The Duncan Alnico II pro pickups are better behaved than the '59s.

With Volume at 4.5 and Master at 5 my OTS w/humbuckers is too loud for anything but a fairly large venue. I can use single coils at that volume.  I'll be a t 2.5 -3 max with HBs.

My general set up is similar to yours as far as OD and Ratio (my trimmer is at 10 o'clock).

My switches are as follows:
Rhythm P.U.  Bright on , Deep off, Rock
Bridge P.U.  bright off, deep off, Rock

Occasionally, I will use deep with the Bridge P.U. but EQ is pretty much always Treble 3, Mid 7, Bass 7, Presence 5. I don't use a Klein.

I do think lower output HBs are better with the OTS. You don't need to add distortion with the pick ups. With those Burstbuckers my Super Reverb starts to break up at 4!, it will stay clean up to 7-8 with Fralin Vintage Hot SC's.

I am sure there will be many other opinions on this.

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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 02:54:24 AM »

i too have burstbuckers and my amp is set as follow:
      vol    5
     treb   5
      mid   2
    bass   5
    OD      5
    blend  6
    mastr  2
     pres   6
If I turn my amp up to 5 i will get thrown out of my band.  Even at 2 I have to control the volumn with the U lator
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« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 03:25:12 AM »

Don't forget to consider the distance between the strings and the pickup on your guitar(s).  The magnetic force is related to distance by a magnitude of the fourth power (r4), so it doesn't take much change in distance to greatly affect the signal.  Also the thickness of the string affects how much interacts with the magnet and the coils (the low E string will inheritantly provide a stronger signal). 

Try increasing the distance between the pickup and the strings to decrease output from the guitar.

Most guitars I play have humbuckers (with a coil tap for a single coil type sound).  The OTS brings out the characteristics of each guitar nicely.
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« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 06:53:12 AM »

@Marin yeah I meant the 59's sorry

@ all. I have my OD trimmer at 9.30
thanks for you input!!
It's not so much the volume I'm worried about. It's the fact that with humbuckers my clean tone will distort fairly quick and my OD tone sounds awfull when I turn the clean volume up to much (more then 3)
Maybe a change of pickups would be nice.

Last night I swapped my PI tubed for a 12AX7LPS. I have the impression it's a bit better now.
I guess it's hard to balance this amp just right.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 07:01:04 AM by Steven_nl » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 05:20:28 PM »

1.) Last night I swapped my PI tubed for a 12AX7LPS. I have the impression it's a bit better now.
2.) I guess it's hard to balance this amp just right.

1.) The JJ ECC803S (balanced) is an upgrade to the Sovtek LPS,  http://www.eurotubes.com/

2.) There is a lot fussing compared to a Super Reverb, for example. But it is sooo worth it when you do get it figured out.
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« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 08:00:33 PM »

my JJ's are ECC83S
I have a special selected one in V1 (quieter)
and a regular one in V2
the PI is a Sovtek LPS
probably I hate it ;-) tomorrow

Need to find some good low output humbuckers.
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« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2009, 09:58:28 PM »

my JJ's are ECC83S
I have a special selected one in V1 (quieter)
and a regular one in V2
the PI is a Sovtek LPS
probably I hate it ;-) tomorrow

Need to find some good low output humbuckers.

These look like a pretty good deal. This guy custom winds here locally, and has a top reputation right up there with WCR, Holmes, Lollar, Fralin etc. They have the right impedances.


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« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2009, 11:35:30 AM »

Thanks alot for your input!! This kind of thing reminds me how wonderfull the Internet is!

One more question
If I want to measure the output of my pickups can I plug in a guitar cable and measure the output on the jackplug?? If I do it that way I get 7,5 and 8.1 output. Not sure if that is the right/accurate way to do it though.
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« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2009, 07:29:33 PM »

Values sound about right. Keep in mind that ohmage is not a 100% accurate way to tell when your pick ups will cause break up.
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2010, 02:42:34 PM »

Sorry for resurrecting this old thread but Steven, I wonder how you are dealing now with the OTS when using humbuckers? Did you found a solution? Also, does using the Dumblelator make a difference?

My Telecaster is sounding wonderful with my stock OTS but I struggle a bit with my Gibson Les Paul Standard (modded to '1960 specs' with aluminium tailpiece, PAF replica's etc). Maybe I need to modify the OTS?

Hope to hear from you.

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« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2010, 06:21:09 PM »

Hi Emiel

Yeah Teles seem get along realy well with the OTS.

I changed the SD pickups to Fralin Unbuckers. That made quite a difference because they are not as dark. A friend of mine has a Gold Top and an OTS and it sounds pretty awesome. Marins Les Paul sounds good as well.
I have been turning up the presence to about 8 (thesre a sweet spot) this makes a big difference for adding some brightness. I have added a few bright switches to my amp but I don't use them at the moment. Turning up the Presence is still the best option for compensating the Kleinulator/dumblelator.

If you're in Holand you might considder getting one of Erwins Dumblelators. They sounds slightly better the the Klein (a bit more expensive but it's worth it).

Some guitars just work better with a perticular amps then others.

one more stupid tip. Play Loud. The a,p opens up and is a bit brigther when you turn it up a bit. Also the OD sounds sweeter.

where are you ? I'm in The Hague. Erwin in Dordrecht (he knows a lot about these amps)

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