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Question: Which cabinet choice would you pick?
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Forte 3D 2x12   -1 (10%)
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Author Topic: HELP!!! Bluesmaster coming soon... need opinions!  (Read 13640 times)
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« on: September 22, 2011, 05:00:34 PM »

Let me start by saying i am a very broke college student. I have been saving for over a year and I almost have enough for a Ceriatone 100w Bluesmaster. I am planning on installing upgraded transformers an a few other small tweaks. Although, my biggest concern is cabinet choice.

I am a strat player 99% of the time and use both my Eric Johnson strat and a Tom Anderson Classic. I love the blues and this will be my purpose built blues amp although i would love to get a good rock tone also.

I am very worried about the cabinet's bass response and it is my main concern. I want something that will keep the lower notes tight, articulate and defined. Buying a cabinet/speaker selection I want to be absolutely sure the bass will not become boomy or muddy, especially on faster licks.

The forte 3D 2x12 Sealed/Vented is the selection i am leaning towards although I dont have a chance to hear any of these in person. Although, I am on the fence because this means i will have to save at least 800-900 more and this will take a lot of time. Can i get the same full/ "3D" sound with any of the 1x12's?

Speaker choice in any of the 1x12's will probably be a EVM 12L. Although, I am interested in different speaker choices (possibly a bit cheaper speakers) if i choose a 2x12 cabinet.

Keep in mind I am on a budget but I am willing to save until I can attain exactly what I am looking for. I have a scumback 2x12 paired with a Rockytop plexi  clone that  I could make due with until i saved enough for the cab. I am willing to go the combo rout to save a little money but i really want something that makes this amp shine.

Basically I want something that will fill up the room while still staying defined. Please help me on my tone quest, this has been years in the making!
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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2011, 05:02:12 PM »

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T Wilcox
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« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2011, 06:58:41 PM »

I cant speak for which speaker to use for your bluesmaster since I do not have that model. Check posts by plasticvonaband for opinions on speakers as he has been through a few I believe.
I went with a custom built Dumble style 2x12 with open back race track style port for both my OTS's and I have no complaints. Forum member Tenguitars built these for me and may still be able to offer them. He has a post in the classified section. Might want to check on getting a head cab from him as well to save on shipping if your in the US of A.


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« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2011, 09:19:48 PM »

Did someone say my name? Wink In my opinion for the Bluesmaster the more neutral and high powered the speaker is the better it is. The Bluesmaster has ALOT of bass response and is not as mid heavy as some of the other OTS models and this can make it sound dark and flubby through the wrong speakers. I really liked my weber 1265 alnicos with it for a while, but like everyone else, turning the bass over 3 and using the deep switch was flub city, and the speakers were so middy that i couldn't get a decent scooped fendery sound. So, I threw my ancient Eminence speakers in that I have had in a 4x12 for about a million years and voila! Nice tight bass, scooped mids when I want em, and singing highs, and all very clear!

Turns out my old 12698 Eminence speakers were a custom build for the man who owned the shop I took lessons and bought gear at. He also built speaker cabs and at the time I bought mine, after mowing many lawns, he was building some for Hall and Oates back line. Seems I got four speakers that they use lol. The ones I have are closest to the modern Delta 12A, which is a 400 watt flat response speaker, quite similar to the Delta Pro 12A which was a substitute for the EV12 for years when they were no longer manufactured. I think you can see where I'm going with this...

Long story short, in the BM for its true voice to come out you need a nice neutral speaker that can take a walloping of bass, or if you really like speaker breakup, get something like a weber 12A150 undoped and go for it!

Hope this helps!

« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 09:37:48 PM by plasticvonaband » Logged

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
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« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2011, 09:39:42 PM »

Oh, i would be remiss if i didn't mention that user Tone Control has tested a few speakers with the BM as well and really digs the Celestion Gold in his, I believe.

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« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2011, 10:57:54 PM »

Hey Gregg, thanks for the info on the Delta Pro..worth a look!
I was looking for 10" Delta Pro's for the Super Reverb cab...if they sound like EV's
it would be a good way to get the SRV tone without the weight
It seems the Delta's are half the weight of the EV's
Unfortunately I think they only do the 'Pro' in the 12" the 10" is more a bass speaker

I would try the 12" Delta's in my Laney box, although Eminence ain't that cheap in Australia,
so it's probably a marginal saving over secondhand EVM's

I'm still surprised how good the HH Invader speakers sound with the Super Reverb,
so playloudd, if you see a cheap Laney slant 2x12 cab, give it a try


« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 11:20:44 PM by squatch » Logged

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« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2011, 12:12:30 AM »

Dont underestimate the power and tone of a good 4x12 with these amps, something with Celestion G12-65's or WGS ET-65's or even if your back can take it 4xEVM12L's Chair Dance
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 12:14:42 AM by Nairbr » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2011, 01:22:26 AM »

You cant go wrong with a Hermida 1x12 ported cab and the EVM-12L which is what I have. I had an HRM 50 watt but sold it and may get the Bluesmaster.
As a college grad I would also suggest you sell all music equipment immediatley. Stay focused 100% of the time on Wink your studies and forget the blues,drugs women and rock an roll. LOL.
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« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2011, 01:11:55 PM »

Hey Gregg, thanks for the info on the Delta Pro..worth a look!
I was looking for 10" Delta Pro's for the Super Reverb cab...if they sound like EV's
it would be a good way to get the SRV tone without the weight
It seems the Delta's are half the weight of the EV's
Unfortunately I think they only do the 'Pro' in the 12" the 10" is more a bass speaker

I would try the 12" Delta's in my Laney box, although Eminence ain't that cheap in Australia,
so it's probably a marginal saving over secondhand EVM's

I'm still surprised how good the HH Invader speakers sound with the Super Reverb,
so playloudd, if you see a cheap Laney slant 2x12 cab, give it a try


well, the American Standard Alpha 10-A has a freq response range of 57Hz - 4.5 kHz similar to the Delta Pro 12 A's response of  52Hz - 4.5 khz and the high end doesn't fall off as drastically fast as the Delta Pro 12.  The EV has a more high end response on paper in 7 khz range, but alot of people have said that the emi version is sweeter and less sterile sounding, so who knows. a few guys have said the the EV is dark, too, but i always found them to be neutral, just like the delta 12a'a and 12a pros's. I'm thinking about getting the Delta 12B (16 ohm vresion) so i can mix and match with my 1265's which i had built as 16 ohms, to see how they sound together. the delta's have a sensitivity of 98.3 db and the 1265's are around 97 db so the delta's *shouldn't* drown out the webers too much

Now, the Delta 12a (non Pro) has a freq range of 54hz- 5khz and isn't quite as flat as the 12 pro, but the response drop off in the high end is a little more gradual. If you are looking for a 10 that is kinda like the EV try the Alpha 10

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2011, 01:17:14 PM »

Dont underestimate the power and tone of a good 4x12 with these amps, something with Celestion G12-65's or WGS ET-65's or even if your back can take it 4xEVM12L's Chair Dance

i agree!!! The weber 1265s didn't sound bad, just wasn't the sound for me. i like em, just don't love em with the BM. They sounded great with my sovtek, which is weird cuz it is kinda based on the tweed bassman in a way kinda like the BM, but i think the plexi half of the sovtek is what really shined through with em. My lil Blues Junior sounds good thru em too, just not that the BM, go figure.

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« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2011, 02:02:00 PM »

If you need a nice D'style 1x12 or 2x12 oval ported cab at a decent price go with an Avatar Traditional cab. They usually sell on Craigslist for cheap (under $200 or so).

V-Boutique makes great exact Dumble replica Cabs too:




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« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2011, 03:14:14 AM »

I have tried my Bluesmaster 100 with many speakers, 115 Emi Legend, 112 WGS Blackhawk HP, V30-G12H30 mix, 12-10 cab with Texas Heat & ragin Cajun mix, etc...It sounds good with everything. Stay away from too bright speakers &/or cabs. I am too old to haul, but if i was your age, i would go with a 2X12 G12-65 oval back for that amp. It seems to me it would have just the right amount of highs roll-off & mid complexity. My blackhawk 112 is killer. Alnico sweet but full & proud.

I can agree with that. almost 2 months after switching to my old Emi's i have switched back to the Weber 1265A's. Sure they arent' as punchy in the lows, but they are much better i think for my rig. I shoulda stuck with em all along. Go figure.

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 06:23:18 AM »

12-10 combo is a very nice thing indeed. I used to run my Old Blackface Princeton with both the internal 10" and an external 12". i loved it


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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