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Author Topic: Fuchs Verbrator Stopped Working in Series Mode. Still getting distant sound?  (Read 4880 times)
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« on: January 10, 2012, 03:12:19 AM »

Ok so I've done some rearranging of my gear. I got a 3u rack to hold a voltage refulator and power conditioner and while i was at it I converted some of my crappy cables over to george L's. I use a ceriatone overtone special with the verbrator as an external FX loop and reverb unit. I the only pedal i have in the loop right now is a deja vibe. And if I take the vibe out of the mix i still have the problem. When the unit is in parallel mode it sounds fine but when i pull the send knob to put it into series mode the sound goes from normal to doing this thing where you can here the guitar but the sound is almost like it's way off in the distance. It's the same sound that it makes if you turn the send knob down to low. It's spacey and dreamy sounding, more like an organ than a guitar. I have looked through everything and I can't figure out what the problem is. I wonder if the tube in the verbrator got damaged while I was moving things around?

I'm at my wits end here. Someone please tell me that I'm overlooking something super simple.
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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 03:45:55 AM »

could possibly be the tube, but it seems like it would do the same thing in parallel mode too if it was the tube, but couldn't hurt to swap it. also, i'd check the wiring inside the unit to make sure it is all kosher and check all the solder joints. I have heard of a few of the units breaking wires and joints loose. only a few, though, most of the long term reviews seem favorable. check all the solder lugs on the pots and jacks as well. as far as i know it is a very simple circuit just like a c-lator, with the addition of the reverb, so it shouldn't be too hard to chase the problem down.

Also, i snagged this from this instructions, in case ya didn't have em

When the Verbrator is used as a loop, the pedal is plugged into the amplifier patch jacks. The output from the preamp (usually labeled send, or preamp out) is sent into the jack marked “From Preamp”. The output to the effects is taken from the jack marked “to effects”. This is a low impedance send which can run pedal or rack level solid state or tube equipment easily. The send level is adjusted by the send knob.
The return from your effects chain plugs into the jack marked “From Effects”. The return level is adjusted by the return level knob. This knob may be pulled to get additional return gain for lower output pedals or rack devices. This is adjusted to taste.
When the pedal is used in parallel (normal) mode, the send and return controls are used to adjust that the input to the first pedal is not overloaded, and the return level may be adjusted for how much effect you desire. When the pedal is in series mode, the return control will set overall level of the system, and the Verbrator should be adjusted so the level of the amplifier (your system level) is approximately the same as when the unit is not used. The intent of a properly functioning effects loop is to insure proper level and impedance matching from the amplifier to and from the effects loop. While the unit can add gain when required, it is usually not recommended as it increases the chances of extraneous noise.
When using the unit as a reverb, it can be used a number of ways: Plugged directly between the guitar and amp, at the end of a pedal board, plugged through your amps effects loop (which may be a passive or active loop).
When the unit is used as an effects loop, the reverb mixes into the dry signal (or the effected signals returning from your effects chain, in the output gain stage. Levels must be carefully adjusted for the proper mix during use.


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 04:15:47 AM »

I'm also noticing that when I turn the send knob back and forth all the way it does nothing to the sound.  Could this be a bad pot?
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« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 04:51:56 AM »

sounds like it could be a bad pot, or maybe the connection to it.


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2012, 08:17:59 AM »

Please don't take offence by this reply but...have you tried putting a linking cable between the FX Send & Return jacks when operating in Series Mode?

What you describe sounds like normal operation when there is a break in the serial FX Send / Return path.
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