Well, I got my OT Special yesterday and a few weeks earlt to boot!! It arrived safe and sound and shipped within 4 days from Malaysia to NY, USA.
I ordered it with the Kleinulator and the OD trim pot mounted on the rear of the chassis. I first plugged my guitar in straight, no effects at all and it was not bad at all. I cranked the preamp volume and turned up the ratio to about 6 and it was a pretty sweet OD! Now I normally use compression up front to smooth things out but the amp sounded pretty good although a little bright. Today I set up the klein in the loop with a G-Major with the send at around 1:00, return full, and recovery on about 1:30. All I can say is wow!!! No compression needed here!! The more I tinker, the more I like!! I can't wait to crank this baby up!
I am verrrrrrry happy!