Ceriatone Forum

Ceriatone => Overtone => Topic started by: burst59 on September 12, 2011, 06:27:22 AM

Title: Finnally found the magical preamp tube
Post by: burst59 on September 12, 2011, 06:27:22 AM
Well I've been through allot of tubes in the last 2 weeks.
So far I've tried the following:

Mullard originals Fischer Branded

There's more but I can't remember.
Anyway I settled on the most unlikely tube which was way to dark in every amp I've tried it in.
I originally bought some of these to tame a shrieking Fender Tone Master.
The Gold Pin JJ ECC83S sounds amazing and super smooth. I put one in the V2 spot and it immediately
gave me the smooth Ford tone I was looking for. The other change was adding 2 NOS Mullards to my Glaswerks
Matchbox and pulling the crap Chinese tubes that were in there. The tone is superior to the Tungsol.
When I switch out of the second gain stage which is the boost it goes back to the Tungsol which is harsher and more nasally.
So I'm going to look through my tube box and see if I can find the other one and throw that into V1.
Anyway great tube much sweeter and smooth.

Title: Re: Finnally found the magical preamp tube
Post by: plasticvonaband on September 15, 2011, 07:11:19 AM
That's awesome that ya found your magical combo!! Sounds good on your soundclip for sure!

So far in my non HRM BM i'm digging a ribbed Telefunken in V1, a JAN GE 5751 in V2, which further rounds the OD, takes some of the brightness out, and helps a bit with the volume jump that occurs when the HRM is bypassed, and a GT 12AX7R (basically a well tested sovtek 12AX7WA) in V3 with an 8 volt swing between V3a and V3b.
Before that I had an ANOS GE Long Plate from the late 50's in V1, a stock JJ ECC803S in V2 and the GT in V3. Believe it or not, if not for the volume jump and just a hair of harshness, the JJ was my fave for a while ( I had another GE Long plate in V2 for a while as well, but it was just too microphonic, even though it was hand picked by mike from kca), so your choice for JJ's doesn't really surprise me. I actually had all GT's in mine for a week, and they sounded almost perfect, except they were lacking some mids, and with the BM being scooped like it is, it was hard to get things dialed in.

Anyway, sorry for the thread jack, glad you found your sound!!


Title: Re: Finnally found the magical preamp tube
Post by: burst59 on September 16, 2011, 08:21:38 AM
That's a nice selection of tubes, I might see if I can track down a couple of those. I ended up putting my Mullards
in my Glaswerks Matchbox. I didn't really like them in the V1 or V2 but other people swear by them.
I loved them in my vintage stock Marshall's though.