I was thinking of getting two speaker cabs for my overtone that will be arriving soon.
One will be an avatar 2x12 with Celestion G12H30 speakers(not heritage), the other will be a small 16lbs rotating speaker cab with a 50 watt jensen 10'' speaker.
What do you guys think of this? will this work? both speaker cabs will be 8ohms.
I have the Avatar 2x12 open back cab with a Vintage 30 & G12H30. I use this cab with both my THD Bivalve and the OTS and it sounds very good.with either. I seem to get the same fullness and openess that I get with my 4x10 bassman and super reverb . The V30 / G12H combo seems to give a very solid bottom end with a very smooth break-up and very distictive high frequencies. I also have a combo with two G12-65s. Those speakers sound muffled compared to the V30/G12H combo. I think you would be losing something with two G12H30s