Ceriatone Forum

Ceriatone => Overtone => Topic started by: bobogypsy on March 31, 2009, 07:11:14 PM

Title: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: bobogypsy on March 31, 2009, 07:11:14 PM
I was playing a gig last night and my pedal board was acting up so I disconnected oit from my OTS and the sound of the amp was much livlier. The OD channel was wonderful, with a lot of balls and clarity. Previously when running my pedal board, the OD channel sounded muddy and fuzzy when ever I engaged it.

I'm using a Barber Direct Drive, a Keeley TS-9, a Boss tremolo, an old Arion Chorus,
an older Cry Baby, and a Volume pedal on my pedal. It is powered by a pedal power plus.

I use the OD pedals to have some variation and different levels of distortion.

The Cry Baby, arion, and probably the Boss TR-2 are not True Bypass.

After last night, I am rethinking using all these pedals in front of the amp and moving some back to the effects loop where I have the Fuchs Reverberator which is reverb and a tube buffered effects loop control.

How are other OTS users using their loops and pedals and what works well for you all?

I would also like to get some switches for the effects in the loop and wondered what others are using. I'ved looked at some online like the "Loopy 2"

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: Steven_nl on March 31, 2009, 07:57:01 PM
I use my loop with a Kleinulator, a Dynacord CLS222 leslie and a Rocktron Xpression.
this works well!
I have a pedal board as well.
Korg Pitchblack tuner
Cry Baby 535Q
EMMA discumbobulator
Keeley TS9
Wampler Ecstacy Drive
I use GeorgeL patch cables
I was having issues witht he sound as well
Hum: turned out I needed to use seperate adaptors for my Kleinulator and for my pedals.
And I was suffering from a loss of tone. My pedalds are all true bypass......ecept for the TS9. It turned out it makes a differences where the TS9 is in the pedal order.
Also I was having some issues witht he cables. It's a lot better now. the direct tone is almost the same as the tone through the pedalboard.
I guess it would be best to bypass the whole pedal chain as much as possible.
I ordered a buffer pedal. We'll see what that does for the signal.

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: Slayerman on March 31, 2009, 08:52:21 PM
The CryBaby has a very poor bypass ...

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: BustedWah on April 01, 2009, 03:11:31 AM
"The CryBaby has a very poor bypass ..."

I also don't think the Keeley TS-9 is true bypass, mine isn't anyway (which is why I have it in a loop switch). I think it's definitely the true bypass that's the problem. Maybe cheap wires too.

I've used a loop switcher and love it. The Keeley one I have is great. The Loopmaster ones look cool though.

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: Steven_nl on April 01, 2009, 07:12:09 AM
 I think it depends on what version of the CryBaby 535Q you have. With mine the signal still passes through the pedal without an adapter connected. This isn't the case with the TS9.

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: pine on April 01, 2009, 02:44:59 PM
Will a buffer pedal take the place of a Kleinulator?

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: Steven_nl on April 01, 2009, 03:11:15 PM
the Klein is in the loop
a buffer pedal is on the pedalboard (in front of the input)

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: pine on April 01, 2009, 04:16:41 PM
This is probably due to me not understanding the architecture of the effects loop, but I assume you can't just put the buffer pedal in the loop and get a buffered send out of the loop?

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: hywelg on April 02, 2009, 08:17:08 AM
The intention of the buffer in the line input is to reduce the effect of long cable runs on tone loss. Changes the impedance.

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: pine on April 02, 2009, 12:12:26 PM
Thanks for setting me straight, I'm learning a lot from this forum.

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: bobogypsy on April 02, 2009, 06:22:19 PM
After some research I've decided to put a true bypass switch in the cry baby and have ordered a tonebone loopbone for my pedal board.  It has 2 separtae loops in it and is true bypass. It also has a "Drag" control which let's you match the pedal board with your picjups so the level is the same as when the guitar is straight into the amp.

The loopbone has a class A boost as well which could be a nice feature. I'll see how it works when I get it.

Anyone else using one of these?

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: BustedWah on April 03, 2009, 02:36:42 AM
Well before spending that money you could just take the wah out of your signal chain and perhaps the ts9 and see if it affects it. Im guessing itll be ok without those two. I took my wah out of my loop because even though it was true bypass it sucked tone, I also got the Keeley looper for my TS9. All good now :D

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: pine on April 22, 2009, 04:15:58 PM
If I use a pedal like the TC Nova Reverb in the loop and calibrate the input level on the pedal so that the line level signal is not too much for it, will every pedal that follows the Reverb also be buffered? Will this then serve at least the primary function of the Klienulator?

Title: Re: Effects pedals and effects loop
Post by: Mitch on April 25, 2009, 08:43:16 AM
I highly recommend the Gigrig Loopy for switching your effects loop in/out- It means you can put the TC on top of your amp & switch it in and out remotely from your pedal board.  As regards your tone issues- you need to shorten your cables as much as possible- you may well need a buffer in your board to improve tone- the OTS is VERY sensitive to cable runs & capacitance- another Gigrig product I'm considering is this:


This will enable you to fade in/out your delay effects & also make the OTS loop parallel- It includes a very high quality buffer too which should improve things no end- I've one on order so I'll post a review as soon as I get to try it.  Here's a Youtube demo-
