Hi All,
I am relatively new here and new to D-style ampage, but as now (after some minor startup problems) PROUD Owner of a 2008 S&M Overtone Special by Ceriatone now VERY happy.
However, i'd like my amp to LOOK a bit more Dumble to throw off any doubters! Of course the Ceriatone name WILL REMAIN on my amp but i have decided i will modify it's looks to be more Dumble
So, for all descerning players who'd like to do the same, here's the LINKS where i sourced the Tophats and VOX diamond grillcloth
OlafGrillcloth ici---->
http://www.tonefactory.nl/shop2/grillcloth-black-diamond-ac30-p-11495.htmlDumble Tophat knobs ici---->