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Author Topic: Bluesmaster50 - BUILD RESURRECTED AGAIN>>AND AGAIN>>AND ONE LAST TIME!!!  (Read 55440 times)
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« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2012, 07:37:23 PM »

Once again Gregg got the low down.....down.  Wink

If only my guitar playing was as good as my knowledge of tweaking these amps  Wink actually, my knowledge is limited to tubes, speakers and a few simple tweaks. if i tried to build one of these or do any major work, i would prolly electrocute myself  Shocked

What I admire about you is that you have way more patience then I do to take the time to type out complete posts with thoughtful facts.

As far as playing skill, it's all relative. I've been bumming a good bit lately. I just can't seem to get anything musically going recently. Yet, I have more than a couple musician friends who get a good bit of live playing done each week. They play cover tunes and Grateful Dead & Phish stuff. Which I have no problems with, and would be more than happy to play, but I just don't seem to fit in with their little groups they have. It's pretty depressing.


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« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2012, 07:46:47 PM »

I wish my playing was as good as the gear I have...  Shocked
I love gear though, I have fun, and I can't help it....that's my only defense... Grin

Speaking of speakers....I have several I plan to try.
EVM12L in a Thiele cab.
2x12 Avatar w/Red Fangs
Eminence V12 or G12
Eminence RWB
Celestion G12T-75 (in my Randall RM50c)

That's a good line-up of speaker to try. Let us know what think when you get them

Yeah, my gear far exceeds my playing ability and at one time was even worse. I've mellowed out a bit. The way I look at it, besides it being "fun" is that it's better to have great tools and hopefully learn to use them the best you can, then not have the best tools and struggle over and over. The thing to keep into perspective is not letting the illusion of the tools making you a better player all by themselves cloud your judgement. I've seen the opposite also. Where someone will deny themselves the proper tools in the name of non-conformity or something along those line.


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« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2012, 02:33:26 AM »

The BM shipped today, will be arriving this Friday!

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« Reply #48 on: April 24, 2012, 04:24:11 AM »

The BM shipped today, will be arriving this Friday!
Cool. I'll be interested in what you think of it.


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« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2012, 05:06:37 AM »

The BM shipped today, will be arriving this Friday!
Cool. I'll be interested in what you think of it.

Same here!


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2012, 06:19:04 AM »

Well, here she is!
Didn't have time to do anything because I had to go to work! Angry
But I'm going to try and fire it up as soon as I can.

From what I see, it looks like a fantastic job.


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« Reply #51 on: April 29, 2012, 12:43:07 AM »

I don't want to set off alarms, because it looks like a good build, but I see some non-dumblesque lead dress issues. How important it will be is hard to tell. Most importantly power it up and let us know how it sounds!!

From what I can tell it looks like it was built well. If you go and look at some pictures of real Dumbles http://www.roblivesey.com/dumble/ and the Ceriatone shots you'll notice that the leads are laying against the chassis for the most part. Especially lead dress for V1, V2 & V3. Also, the heater wires are up above the sockets instead of down against the chassis. All these things are very likely very debatable issues by many amp builders. But by some, they're considered a must have. Even Nik use to build them with the heaters down, but has changed to above.


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« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2012, 03:43:21 AM »

Looks good! They did a good job building it. Like Chris said, the only issue i can see, is some wire dress issues, but i wold fire it up and seee how it sounds before worrying too much about it


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2012, 11:24:13 PM »

After looking at Niks pics I can see the differnce now. Alot cleaner lead dressing on his.
As far as the heater wire, are you saying that Nik does the so called "fender" style heater wiring?
I think I may be more concerned with the lead dressing then anything.

This is my last night on at work so I can't wait to fire it up when I get home in the morning.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 12:54:48 AM by rvf263 » Logged

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« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2012, 12:56:56 AM »

After looking at Niks pics I can see the differnce now. Alot cleaner lead dressing on his.
As far as the heater wire, are oyu saying that Nik does the so called "fender" style heater wiring?
I think I may be more concerned with the lead dressing then anything.

This is my last night on at work so I can't wait to fire it up when I get home in the morning.

Yeah, I think the OTS/HRM's for a while now are being built with the "fender" above the sockets style.

Yeah, get done work and then play it and let it break in for a good while.

Maybe then down the road redoing some of the leads will be a way for you to get your feet wet with working on amps.

Before you do, get back to us. There's a few little things to know before desoldering tube sockets, etc. that can be helpful.


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« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2012, 08:00:46 AM »

What issues might I run into with the lead dressing or heater wire like this?
Change in tone?

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« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2012, 05:41:22 PM »

What issues might I run into with the lead dressing or heater wire like this?
Change in tone?
Well, there are things like doing it correctly, but I was mainly thinking of something that happened to me that was a real PITA. Care has to be taken not to overheat the tube socket pins and let solder flow down into the pin. It's just about impossible to get it cleaned out properly and buying a new one is the best solution once it's done.

1. make sure the tube is out of the socket.
2. use desoldering braid or pump or both to remove all the solder first and then remove the wire. (making sure not to overheat the pins)
3. take care not to disturb as little as possible in surrounding area to not stress other leads of components, wires, etc.

Basically, if you choose to do the heaters and leads. Do the heaters first. The heaters are not hard, but wil take patience and a little pre-planning. If you're new to soldering I would practice soldering and desoldering on something else first and get the hang of it. I'm sure there's some good vids on youtube to show different and good procedures for desoldering. There's a little bit of an art to reworking electronics. Nothing over the top, but like most things there's a hard way and an easy way to do it. Plus, you may not use the same procedure for everything you do.


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« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2012, 05:16:07 AM »

I'm sorry but I was referring to the way the heater wires and the lead dressings are right now.
You mentioned there's "non-Dumblesque" lead dress issues. What problems might occur because of these issues? Or is it more a cosmetic purist issue kind of thing.

BTW, I fired it up earlier and played for a little while.

I was playing a G&L Legacy with stock p'ups through a Avatar 2x12 with Eminence Red Fangs.

The internal trimmers are set at: 10 - 8 - 10

I started at 12 o'clock and went to 9 o'clock with the Treble, Mid, Bass
I adjusted back and forth with the Volume and Master
When I adjusted the Drive or Level, I could not tell ANY change in tone.

My first impressions:
1) very "middy"
2) Very tight
3) Extremely clean

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« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2012, 05:29:32 AM »

Make sure that the pedals by the footswitch plug are in the pedal position and make sure you have your OD trim at about noon to start with. Also, if you have the HRM engaged try it with the PAB and the OD at the same time. That's a good starting point. If you still have no OD and the lights on the footswitch also aren't working, could be a problem with the relays


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2012, 05:40:05 AM »

I'm sorry but I was referring to the way the heater wires and the lead dressings are right now.
You mentioned there's "non-Dumblesque" lead dress issues. What problems might occur because of these issues? Or is it more a cosmetic purist issue kind of thing.
Ok, heaters? This is mostly a reduction in noise from the AC current that the filamants use. Electrically the thing to consider is this noise, besides being annoying can be degrading to the tone. It's more of a proximity thing. How close they are to sensitive signal carrying lines. It is an "opinion" thing for sure. There may be more reasons why Mr. Dumble preferred one over the other. Very likely just a less chance of messing up with them above. Also, from my understanding he started out mostly modding Fender circuits which were done this way and maybe he just never bothered to fix what wasn't broke.

Now when it comes to wires carrying signals to the tubes and back. Once again it's an issue of reducing all noise inducing issues. With wires floating up in the air like "antennas" it's a possible problem area. But also and what many refer to is you'll notice certain leads actually running in parallel and close together at points. Typically this will cause capacitive coupling which typically is not wanted, but this is what many feel was done purposefully by Mr. Dumble to sculpt the overdrive and other areas of tone. So overall it's believed that following the lead dress maticulously is very important in obtaining a perfect clone. YMMV.

BTW, I fired it up earlier and played for a little while.

I was playing a G&L Legacy with stock p'ups through a Avatar 2x12 with Eminence Red Fangs.


The internal trimmers are set at: 10 - 8 - 10

I started at 12 o'clock and went to 9 o'clock with the Treble, Mid, Bass
I adjusted back and forth with the Volume and Master
When I adjusted the Drive or Level, I could not tell ANY change in tone.
I'm a little confused what you're saying here....

My first impressions:
1) very "middy"
2) Very tight
3) Extremely clean
Again...not sure what you mean by no overdrive
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 05:47:56 AM by SoundPerf » Logged


Ceriatone HRM 50
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