Title: Big thanks to Nik...and the OTS with the Culator is remarkable! Post by: gwp on March 30, 2010, 08:32:44 PM First off, I just want to thank Nik for his customer support...it is unbelievable!...
My Smartulator By Ceriatone arrived today...I unpacked and connected with a Boss DD-2 pedal...no sound! Long story short...I emailed Nik at 1:30am his time (I'm in EST Canada, so pm for me)...and within 2 minutes he replied! He offered a couple of suggestions and after trying a different cable (which I left 'til the end because it just couldn't be my cables...) to the Smartulator...yep, a bad cable as he had suggested (and my frickin' stupidity!)...I was up and running...and because I had to leave in between, I was good to go at 3:00am his time!...and a final reply from him... There is absolutely no one that can touch this product - great builds and amazing customer support! As far as the Smartulator, the "added dimension" is an excellent description...it clarifies the Fx (in my case the DD-2 which use to be straight into the OTS via the pedalboard)...plus a positive "something" (the adjustable Drive I assume) to the overall sound...I was happy with the way things had sounded, but the Smartulator is a next level for me...I very much doubt one would ever come up on eBay...but if one does, grab it! |