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Author Topic: Any thoughts on HRM MK2 ?  (Read 17359 times)
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« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2012, 09:57:33 PM »

Is the MKII more dumbley than the FM, or vice versa? & which got the better cleans?
I honestly don't think there's enough owners of these two amps that frequent these boards that your going to get a good answer. I would really send Nik at Ceriatone an email asking your specific questions. He's really cool and will get back to you quickly. I don't think I have ever heard of someone not getting a reply back from Nik!!


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« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2012, 10:58:05 PM »

Is the MKII more dumbley than the FM, or vice versa? & which got the better cleans?
I honestly don't think there's enough owners of these two amps that frequent these boards that your going to get a good answer. I would really send Nik at Ceriatone an email asking your specific questions. He's really cool and will get back to you quickly. I don't think I have ever heard of someone not getting a reply back from Nik!!

yeah, not too many owners of the MkII or the FM on the board that i know of. You may wanna either contact Nik directly, which would be your best bet, or check the Facebook Page or the Amp Garage. There seems to be quite a few owner on the Facebook page in particular that aren't on this forum.

The layouts of the 183 and the MK II are quite similar they both use EL34's have similar tone stacks, etc. The main difference being different values in the main filter caps, no FET on the HRM version, and of course the addition of the HRM stack to the MKII. If i had to a hazard a guess, and this is just a guess and a huge one at that, i'd say the MKII sounds similar to the 183, but with the additional tone shaping of the HRM on the OD side.

Again that is a huge guess, and Nik would be your best bet on getting the best info


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« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2012, 10:40:40 PM »

I was in pretty close communication with T.Wilcox for awhile back when he built his amp. He sort of dropped off the map since then, I wish he'd come back. He was a good guy.

Anyway, the one thing I think I remember him saying was that it was way easy to get it to break up on the clean channel, and not so easy to get a perfectly clean sound. But, it's been a long time and I could be wrong about the exact specifics. Sorry no clips, though.

Thanks for the good words Chris. Between having my schedule change at work and dealing with a home internet connection worse than dial up, I just haven't been able to find the time to get on here much.
As far as the MKII goes I find myself playing it much more than my FM lately. The cleans on the MKII are a little cleaner and less plinky than the FM and the OD is a little less gritty I guess you could say more dumbley. It may be the ME mod on my FM but after going from the MKII to the FM the FM sounds much darker almost muffled compared to the MK it takes a little while to get used to. Either way both are great amps! I'll try to check back in every now and then. Oh and sorry no clips.

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« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2012, 07:43:55 AM »

I was in pretty close communication with T.Wilcox for awhile back when he built his amp. He sort of dropped off the map since then, I wish he'd come back. He was a good guy.

Anyway, the one thing I think I remember him saying was that it was way easy to get it to break up on the clean channel, and not so easy to get a perfectly clean sound. But, it's been a long time and I could be wrong about the exact specifics. Sorry no clips, though.

I don't suppose you'd be able to compare the MKII cleans with those of a regular HRM?
Thanks for the good words Chris. Between having my schedule change at work and dealing with a home internet connection worse than dial up, I just haven't been able to find the time to get on here much.
As far as the MKII goes I find myself playing it much more than my FM lately. The cleans on the MKII are a little cleaner and less plinky than the FM and the OD is a little less gritty I guess you could say more dumbley. It may be the ME mod on my FM but after going from the MKII to the FM the FM sounds much darker almost muffled compared to the MK it takes a little while to get used to. Either way both are great amps! I'll try to check back in every now and then. Oh and sorry no clips.

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« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2012, 01:42:22 PM »

I am the proud owner of a FM 50 ME.  I also relied on Todd when building it.  I guess I can address a couple issues for the board.... Finally, a chance to give back a little bit!!!!

I've been using the amp in a church setting for about 3 months.  The clean channel sounds great.  I can get good clean LP tones.  I've been using it as a clean platform with a pedal board, and I have a G Major II through a C-Lator in the loop.  I have an EVM-12L in an old Crate combo cab (temporary), so it has a nice full sound.

Right from the start, the overdrive was a little fizzy with a few "ice-pick" frequencies in it. Because of that, I didn't really play with the OD channel much. I bought new tubes to start with and wanted to get a couple NOS tubes to see if that takes the edge off, but I haven't yet.  I also got the parts for a treble bleed, but I haven't had time for that.  

Well, after ignoring the OD for a while, I've found that a lot of those problem frequencies have softened somewhat.  The OD is good, but not stellar.  I can run the OD trimmer up to about 11 o'clock before it gets annoying, but I stay down around 9...  Some of all this may be tubes, some of that may be the need to rebias, or some of that may be pedals up front that aren't true bypass.  I just haven't had any tweak time... I'm a FULL TIME student again and a business owner, so all my free time evaporated at the first of the year.

Since I only have one OTS amp, I can't comment on the others.  As far as the ME, the clean channel starts to break up at about 6-7 or so.  I don't like the "clean channel break up" on this amp too much, but I am pretty picky.  IT is a GREAT clean channel, but it started out as one of two OD channels.  It took hours before it cleaned up!!!  The amp is a winner, but a few tweaks and some parallel effects action will really improve things...  I already tweaked the Slope value to get it a little lower in the mids... Good mod.

Hope that helps!!!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 01:48:09 PM by Kevster » Logged
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