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Author Topic: Advice on OTS amp  (Read 6729 times)
Palm Grease
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« on: June 10, 2012, 01:19:58 PM »

Hi all,
I am interested in the Overtone Special amp, which there seem to be a few variations on. The clean sound is very important to me, I need to be able to retain clarity at high volume with no break up, the overdrive sound - I'm sure I'd probably like all the Overtone models, I guess I'm interested in what the trade off's are with the combination of clean / overdrive sounds in the different models of amp. For what it's worth I'm into Robben Ford and Larry Carlton / Steely Dan, it's important for me to be able to get a good jazz sound, but I also play a lot of funk / soul etc, semi-hollow guitar and sometimes a Strat. The HRM mk2 kinda seemed the obvious first choice to me, from what I could glean from the website.

I also read on the forum (I think) that the 100w amps aren't much louder than the 50w's ones, but kinda give more tone or something, hence people saying this were suggesting that the 100w amps were the ones to get, really?

One last thing, I am wondering what is the most economical kit / build for a head, is it worth just getting the entire thing made up (I absolutely do not trust myself to build one, even if I did have the time), but I could install tubes, amp into the cab etc, thoughts?

Thanks in advance
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« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 01:04:29 AM »

I have both OTS and HRM circuits in 50 watt sizes, and absolutely love the tones I am getting with both of them, as heads.   I have found that the HRM's clean channel can tolerate a more agressive pick attack without mushing out or distor4ting right at the attack, the OTS is more prone to that, I run it at a lower clean gain setting, 3-4 vs 5 1/2-7 for my HRM.  I'm using all old stock glass in these, the tones I'm getting are amazing.  6bg6ga/adapters (7581a type) in the OTS, and el34 in the HRM.  The HRM takes longer to go into harmonic bloom/feedback and is more stable once there, the OTS is more quick reacting.  OTS has a bit more bounce in the dirty channel for what sounds like a similar gain setting, HRM, is smoother and tighter in the bottom.  Both amps have a very sweet clean channel.  I like that I can adjust the dirty channel tonestack in the HRM very much, can tune that amp's OD voice for a particular guitar and/or cab situation.  OTS has strong mid in dirty channel.  I prefer to run the OTS with no c-lator, prefer the HRM with.   C-lator has old glass in it too.  If you know your 12ax7's from the golden years, you can easily voice either preamp via tube rolling to get exactly what you want.   

Gonna be fuuuuuun when that SSS arrives.
Palm Grease
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« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 02:14:56 AM »

Thanks for the reply 212Mavguy,

I think it's the HRM for me, my only other question is where does the Bluesmaster sit in all of this? I was thinking Klein-lator for my amp, cos it's small and portable, and I did read that it can sit in the back of the amp. Yeah I noticed the SSS model, I have a Zendrive which I love, but I think I want some amp overdrive at this stage.
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« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2012, 02:41:45 PM »

I love to tinker with a soldering iron myself.  But there are more pounds of parts stuffed in a D-clone chassis than Dolly's boobs in one of her industrial strength over the shoulder boulder holders.

I had mine delivered fully assembled.  Bluesmaster?  Plasticvonaband has one.  The HRM has IMHO such a wide variety of tone palette, with V1 tube rolling you can get some of that BF sound,  Sylvania long grayplate, 12ax7,  and it would be ignorant to ignore the GE shortplate 12ax7a/7025, a fave of HAD's.    The classic Fender BF V1 is going to be either an RCA 7025 type or 12ax7a/7025.  All bets are off in a combo, the head setup is the one to use old glass in, don't need to shake the grids like a belly dancer with a combo setup's speaker providing extra excitation...
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« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2012, 06:54:51 AM »

I love to tinker with a soldering iron myself.  But there are more pounds of parts stuffed in a D-clone chassis than Dolly's boobs in one of her industrial strength over the shoulder boulder holders.

I had mine delivered fully assembled.  Bluesmaster?  Plasticvonaband has one.  The HRM has IMHO such a wide variety of tone palette, with V1 tube rolling you can get some of that BF sound,  Sylvania long grayplate, 12ax7,  and it would be ignorant to ignore the GE shortplate 12ax7a/7025, a fave of HAD's.    The classic Fender BF V1 is going to be either an RCA 7025 type or 12ax7a/7025.  All bets are off in a combo, the head setup is the one to use old glass in, don't need to shake the grids like a belly dancer with a combo setup's speaker providing extra excitation...

Did someone say my name again?  Grin.

As far as the cleans go, the Bluesmaster has more of a BF/Tweed Fender Bassman/Marshall JTM 45 thing going, especially if you use older GE preamp tubes. The cleans can go from BF Fender to Tweed Bassman depending on how you set the tone controls. The mids are more scooped than the rest of the OTS series, which gives it the BF vibe, but it also has a huge bass response, which can push it into Bassman territory, especially when you push the clean channel hard either with a nice boost pedal, or with the internal PAB and cranking the preamp and master. big, bold, with awesome overdrive!

The OD side is more marshally, and can go from JTM45 to early plexi depending on how you push the drive, OD Trim, or if you have the PAB set up like the original Bluesmaster amp with a 22M resistor vs 68k resistor. The 22M resistor provides even more of a boost to the HRM tonestack. ideally the PAB should be engaged when using the drive channel, otherwise you are going through two tonestacks and things can get muddy.

here's some thoughts on ther Bluesmaster from TGP posted by user erwin_ve

Blues Master. Think raw early Fender/Marshall
tone on steroids. The tone stack is decidedly bassman territory,
however because of Dumbles many other difference it is far better IMO.
The cleans here are the best cleans I think I have ever heard, dumble
or otherwise. The cleans will sing and sustain!!! The OD is much less smooth and much less compressed than the above amps. It has some early Marshall vibe to it. Boosted cleans with this amp are to die for. The OD is a bit more raw and edgy then some of the other offerings but with boosted cleans you get the smooth side of things and with the OD you have a less polite and refined tone.
Somewhat like the first Dumbles, though different. Lots of punch, sustain and singing but not as smooth as some of the other offerings. This one can be thick and dense too. Not dark and crappy, just "meaty"...
Open clean cleans to mean and a little rude.
Big fat sick blues machine. Lots of character or soul. This amp will try and steal you girl.Like a tuxedo on a cowboy?.... It can play nice but it can still stomp in the dirt.

Overtone HRM Bluesmaster
Overtone HRM Bluesmaster 100
This amp is completely different. It has different cleans compared to amps above... cleans are more mid scooped, more fendery if you wish but with a lot of low end. This amp possesses a punch like no other amp. Again not as much OD as nonHRM, this amp makes you work for the tone too (very dynamic).

Hope this helps!


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
Palm Grease
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« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 07:35:20 AM »

Thanks again for the replies guys, much appreciated.

There seems to be a HRM Bluesmaster on eBay, and it seems this amp very different again, from the other OTS's. The technical jargon gets a little lost on me, I understand there is a lot going on in any Dumble style amp, which is why I'll opt to just get the whole thing assembled by Ceriatone. Like my initial feelings, I think the HRM mkII is the one for me, at least as my first Dumble style amp.
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« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 08:55:21 PM »

Thanks again for the replies guys, much appreciated.

There seems to be a HRM Bluesmaster on eBay, and it seems this amp very different again, from the other OTS's. The technical jargon gets a little lost on me, I understand there is a lot going on in any Dumble style amp, which is why I'll opt to just get the whole thing assembled by Ceriatone. Like my initial feelings, I think the HRM mkII is the one for me, at least as my first Dumble style amp.

go with your gut. that's always the best thing. also, if you are really unsure, email nik, tell him what kinda sound you are looking for, and he can steer you in the right direction.

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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