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Author Topic: A real Dumble vs Ceriatone S&M -Video comparison  (Read 19456 times)
tony d
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« on: June 25, 2009, 02:19:36 PM »

The Tan Dumble vs Ceriatone S&M- video comparison

I sort of hit the lottery at the NY amp show when I was asked to demo some really nice amps. Kind of like going to a car show and being asked to try the James Bond's Aston Martins. It was a good day.
Thought it might be interesting to compare the videos of the two amps with the same guitar and player.

rguitar%2Ecom%2FVideo%2F20090624%2F696%2FNY%5FAmp% 5FShow%5F09%5FCelestion%5FAlnico%5FGold%5FBlue%5FD emos%2Easpx&feature=player_embedded

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« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2009, 02:36:21 PM »

Tony, you're a great player !!!
Both the Dumble and the SM sound great.  Smiley

I'm a little curious about the feel of the amps.
How would you describe the difference in 'feel' between the two amps, if any?

...even if its two very different situations - playin at a show and playing in a more quiet studio setting.

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 03:57:32 PM »

Hi Tony,

The Dumble vid had some mic clipping, it's very hard to compare. Anyway:Love your playing!
tony d
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« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2009, 03:46:24 AM »

Tony, you're a great player !!!
Both the Dumble and the SM sound great.  Smiley

I'm a little curious about the feel of the amps.
How would you describe the difference in 'feel' between the two amps, if any?

...even if its two very different situations - playin at a show and playing in a more quiet studio setting.

Thanks....The Ceriatone was spongier, more Fender like, a little thinner...The Dumble- more harmonic girth, richness in the low mid range.  I like 'em both.  A lot.
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« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2009, 08:14:47 AM »

Excelent stuff (although I must say the tainwrecks didn't do it for me)
Would you say the differences between Dumble and Ceriatone could also be related to the tubes used?
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« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2009, 08:50:12 AM »

Good question.....although, Tony cannot possibly provide us with an answer on that one, since he didnt swap the tubes between the two amps respectively nor reverse engineer the Dumble on the celestion demo stand.

We could also ask him, if the differences between the two amps could be due to

- the transformers used or
- the values of the powerstring used and thereof voltages
- the capacitor make or
- the construction differences between a ODS and a S&M
- etc

He cannot possibly answer any of it  Cool

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2009, 10:08:00 AM »

I will not comment the Dumble vid ... but man I wish I could be in that room...

The second vid is awesome... Tony you're an awesome player and the tone is awesome as well.
What did you have in loop? or in from of amp

I have another question for you...  Wink
On that NY amp show you've seen/heard (probably tried) most of the D style amps in existence, from different builders.
How does OTS compare too all that?

...btw I already know your answer.


tony d
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« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2009, 12:59:18 PM »

I will not comment the Dumble vid ... but man I wish I could be in that room...

The second vid is awesome... Tony you're an awesome player and the tone is awesome as well.
What did you have in loop? or in from of amp

I have another question for you...  Wink
On that NY amp show you've seen/heard (probably tried) most of the D style amps in existence, from different builders.
How does OTS compare too all that?

...btw I already know your answer.

Thanks for the kind words.
I love 'em all.  Depends on the day as to preference.  Like Baskin and Robbins.
Dumble obviously had more girth, but it's a 100 w amp.  I changed v1 in the OT 2 days ago, and it's now much more like the Dumble than before.
Dumble sounded amazing with a 335 played by the guy before me.  I think I feel more comfortable on the OT  with the Tele.
tony d
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« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2009, 01:00:35 PM »

Excelent stuff (although I must say the tainwrecks didn't do it for me)
Would you say the differences between Dumble and Ceriatone could also be related to the tubes used?
The video didn't do the Trainwrecks justice.  Also remember, all were run dry.  No reverb for me is kind of like going outside in my underwear.
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« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2009, 07:49:09 PM »

I will not comment the Dumble vid ... but man I wish I could be in that room...

The second vid is awesome... Tony you're an awesome player and the tone is awesome as well.
What did you have in loop? or in from of amp

I have another question for you...  Wink
On that NY amp show you've seen/heard (probably tried) most of the D style amps in existence, from different builders.
How does OTS compare too all that?

...btw I already know your answer.

Thanks for the kind words.
I love 'em all.  Depends on the day as to preference.  Like Baskin and Robbins.
Dumble obviously had more girth, but it's a 100 w amp.  I changed v1 in the OT 2 days ago, and it's now much more like the Dumble than before.
Dumble sounded amazing with a 335 played by the guy before me.  I think I feel more comfortable on the OT  with the Tele.

Tony, Which tube brand and type have you installed in V1 ?? Please share Smiley

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2009, 07:50:09 PM »


Fantastic tone and playing on the Ceriatone track.......who's the song by??
tony d
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« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2009, 07:57:34 PM »

I will not comment the Dumble vid ... but man I wish I could be in that room...

The second vid is awesome... Tony you're an awesome player and the tone is awesome as well.
What did you have in loop? or in from of amp

I have another question for you...  Wink
On that NY amp show you've seen/heard (probably tried) most of the D style amps in existence, from different builders.
How does OTS compare too all that?

...btw I already know your answer.

Thanks for the kind words.
I love 'em all.  Depends on the day as to preference.  Like Baskin and Robbins.
Dumble obviously had more girth, but it's a 100 w amp.  I changed v1 in the OT 2 days ago, and it's now much more like the Dumble than before.
Dumble sounded amazing with a 335 played by the guy before me.  I think I feel more comfortable on the OT  with the Tele.

Tony, Which tube brand and type have you installed in V1 ?? Please share Smiley
A sovtek LPS
tony d
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« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2009, 08:10:37 PM »


Fantastic tone and playing on the Ceriatone track.......who's the song by??

Thanks. That was an unmodded S&M through a Two Rock 12-65.
The first tune was Round Midnight by Thelonius Monk.  I think I might have played  Eroll Garner's Misty on the Trainwreck...(???a jazz ballad on a TW...what the hell was I thinking?) and maybe a snippet of Norah Jones' Don't Know Why.  The whole experience kind of caught me by surprise....I was checking out the Celestion 12-65 ( stilll like Two rock's take much better- tighter bottom better for clean/strat playing, although the celestion has that nice midrange texture), the film crew came in, asked if I wanted to play on film, told me to start playing something, and 20 minutes later, it was done.
It's a shame the recording didn't do those beautiful and historic masterpieces justice.
tony d
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« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2009, 08:12:56 PM »

One was tan and the other one was black.
Also, the Dumble was dry (w no verb or dumblator) and the CT was wet w a Klein.
Good question.....although, Tony cannot possibly provide us with an answer on that one, since he didnt swap the tubes between the two amps respectively nor reverse engineer the Dumble on the celestion demo stand.

We could also ask him, if the differences between the two amps could be due to

- the transformers used or
- the values of the powerstring used and thereof voltages
- the capacitor make or
- the construction differences between a ODS and a S&M
- etc

He cannot possibly answer any of it  Cool

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« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2009, 08:48:07 PM »

Hi Tony

I meant the 2nd clip where you are playing along to a backing track...that's a bit more up tempo than Thelonius Monk, is it your composition? I love the string raking strokes at 0.28"
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