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Author Topic: 16 Ohm or 8 Ohm G12-65 H?  (Read 7777 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: November 20, 2008, 05:37:20 PM »

Well, I don't know whether it makes any difference, but when it does, which one should i buy? Both cost 95€ and i'm getting one of them together together with a 1x12" Combocab.

When i want to add an external speaker cabinet is it better to get the 8 Ohm Speaker?

Thanks for comments  Wink

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« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2008, 07:15:09 PM »

The OTS speaker outputs are wired in parallel so you might be better going for a 16 ohm  and then another 16ohm for the extension cab, then run the amp at 8ohms. If you have two x8 then you'd have to run at 4ohms and whilst I've not tried it others have suggested that tone is better the more windings of the OT you use, ie higher is better.

BTW if you can get that speaker for 95 euro, do it quick Celestion have jacked their prices here in the UK and they are now approx 120euro.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2008, 08:31:29 PM »

ill buy it from tubetown. they offer them together with the cabinet for the price they buy them. 95€ instead of 150€ what it would cost without the cabinet.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2008, 10:24:44 PM »

I chose the 8 Ohm speaker. Talked with an amptech about it and he said that this one fits the sound i want better (yeah there is in fact a big difference in sound, but not better or worse, only different)
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« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 10:56:42 PM »

Here's already the first question that I have. I don't quite understand what you mean by the "OTS speaker outputs are wired in parallel". How can a speaker output be wired in parallel, or do you mean the speakers in the cab are wired in parallel? Sorry, I'm confused. Huh?
The reason I ask is I have the same query. I'll have to buy a cab with two speakers for my OTS head. I assume it will be two Celestions G12-65H (which everybody seems to recommend). So again: 8 ohm or 16 ohm? Wired in series or parallel? Amp Selector switch at 8ohm or 16ohm? Clarification is more than welcome. Cheers.

The two output sockets on the back of the OTS are parallel wired so you connect the main speaker and then any speaker connected to the other will be in parallel. So add the impedances and divide by two then set the impedance selector accordingly.

If you are buying a cab with two speakers in they can be wired any which way as long as the resulting impedance matches one of the options on the rear of the OTS, but the 16 ohm setting isn preferred over the 8 over the 4ohm. So get two 8 ohm speakers, have them wired in series for a 16ohm cab.
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« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2008, 10:27:11 PM »

Thanks for clarifying that, although I'm still somewhat confused. Let me recap to see whether I understood you correctly. If I have a two speaker cab I obviously only use one speaker output. I switch that output selector to 16 ohm and install 2 G12-65 8ohm speakers wired in series. Correct?


What difference in tone would I get if I had the output selector at 8 ohm and had 2 G12-65 16ohm speakers wired in parallel? Or any other combination, e.g. output selector at 4 ohm as in Fender amps? Quite frankly, all this ohm business has always been a book of seven seals to me.

I'm not sure you will notice much difference but it has been mentioned in here that the amp sounds best if you are using all the OT windings ie 160hm

Furthermore, there are also two output sockets in my Ceriatone JTM-45 BB. Are these also wired in parallel?

I'm not familiar with the BB, you have to check the layout, but I would not expect it to be a series connection.
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