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Author Topic: REVERB MOD IN 65 TWIN REVERB, PLEASE HELP !!  (Read 7148 times)
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« on: October 24, 2013, 11:26:23 AM »

Hello to all!

I have a Fender twin reverb, and as you know has two channels, the normal channel (tone control only) and the vibrato channel also has reverb.

What I want to do is to the next modification:

Use the normal channel with reverb also, but not vibrato.
This means that each channel is independent but the reverb affects both channels, and vibrato only his channel.

Anyone have idea how to make this modification?
Has anyone any modification scheme?

Thank you all.

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« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 01:30:09 PM »

Not sure how to do it, but you might be able to figure out what to do by studying the schematic for your amp and comparing it to the schematic for the new '68 Reissue Twin Reverb.  I think the newer '68's have reverb on both channels.  Not sure.  But looking at the schematic would be the place to start.

The Fender Supersonic amps also have reverb on both channels.  Studying those would help.
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 04:37:13 PM »

Still the OP is from October, I may be wasting my time.

Can't be done easily. The way they add reverb to both channels on the '68 RI is by mixing the channels before the reverb circuit. This has a big change on the tone and behavior of the Normal channel because not  only is it not going through the reverb circuit, it also gains a third gain stage (that was originally Vibrato channel only) and the tremolo circuit.

To only add Reverb to the Normal Channel would not be a mod, but a complete redesign of the circuit meaning a near complete teardown and rebuild of the amp.
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