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Author Topic: Why?  (Read 7683 times)
« on: November 09, 2007, 04:26:44 AM »

Hello all, why did you select a Liverpool vs. the Express?  I'm trying to decide which Trainwreck clone I want.  With so few soundclips out there, it's hard to make up my mind.
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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 02:21:46 PM »

I've always been a big fan of EL84's...bright sound, fast attack, chimy cleans, etc. Over the years I've adjusted my playing style, pick choice (3.0 mm Stubbies), and guitar choices (mostly single coils where I used to be a "Les Paul guy") towards getting to that sound.

If I'd had this amp years ago, I could have kept the Les Pauls, the "easier" picks, etc. In fact, I love the boxy yet sweet sound of this amp, but with my guitars, picks, and style, I now need to tone down the brightness a bit. After I've had it for awhile, had the chance to play in a band situation, and taken the time to swap in different pre-amp tubes, I'll be ready to offer a more detailed opinion. In a nutshell, though, this is a great amp with a unique voice, at least compared to anything I've ever had.

And this is probably an old story, but dealing with Nik has been a pleasure. Long after he'd been paid, he was actively helping to straighten out a shipping glitch that was no fault of his. I know that some here in the US worry about doing business with an Asian company, but Nik's given me a better customer experience than some companies (no names) that I could drive to in a day. The long story short is that I'm trying to resist the temptation to order another amp or two, but I don't think I'll be able to hold out much longer.
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 03:37:29 PM »

That's good to hear.  I think I'm starting to lean towards the Liverpull myself.  I'm still trying to find more soundclips to decide for sure.   
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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2007, 04:07:16 AM »

the Liverpull that I have is probably the hottest, most gain, and all around rocking amplifier I have ever owned. Gain is never a problem for me. In fact, I have never been able to get enough it seems. I have owned Marshalls, Soldanos, Mesas, Bogners, etc... and I must say that my Ceriatone is right up there with every one of those amps as far as having enough gain on tap. The only one that I would say had more (but very differently voiced) is the SLO. For the coin we spend on these amps, I really don't see better deals out there. I am unfortunately trying to sell mine as we speak because it just isn't getting any play being that I have a new Fuchs which I simply adore. I may hang on to the Ceriatone because it is such a killer and I know I'll regret selling it somewhere down the road as I do all my amps. Nik has really made a name for himself and has really made a lot of people very happy that were looking for "that tone" but couldn't spend the outrageous amounts of cash some of those amps are going for.

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