Title: TDS Output Trannyto what Pins? Post by: littlejohn on April 08, 2012, 06:08:56 PM Hello, trying to finish up my build and was wondering if it makes a difference which color wire, the two wires besides the B+/Center....go to the two different pins 7 and 7?
Thanks in advance... Title: Re: TDS Output Trannyto what Pins? Post by: wyatt on April 09, 2012, 02:34:32 AM There are OT's where it matters. Often the two sides of a OT primary are not equal, the CT is shifted just slightly to make up for how the PI is rebalanced to account for the negative feedback loop. But I doubt that would be necessary in a Matchless-style OT.
Anyway, does the OT use a Red CT with White and Yellow wires for the power tube plates? Per the schematic, the White wire would go to V5, the EL84 closest to the GZ34 rectifier. Yellow would go to V4, the EL84 closest to the Phase Inverter tube. Title: Re: TDS Output Trannyto what Pins? Post by: littlejohn on April 10, 2012, 01:12:55 AM Thanks, that's the way I had it by chance, and the amp sounds nice so far thru just a loose speaker, very chimey, no cab so guess I'll leave it. I might even build another with standard 18 watt trannys. This is good stuff, go C-Tone!