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Question: Name the best Ceriatone for 1960 - 1966 british invasion sounds
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Author Topic: Whats the best amp for 60's brit garage / mod rock?  (Read 9300 times)
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« on: April 02, 2010, 06:15:06 PM »

If you have strong opinions about another model not listed, let me know!
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« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2010, 06:44:43 AM »

Vox AC-30 hands down. The closest Ceriatone amp is the Dizzy 30 Matchless DC-30 clone which was based on the  Vox AC-30 design.
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« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2010, 07:13:17 PM »

Vox AC-30 hands down. The closest Ceriatone amp is the Dizzy 30 Matchless DC-30 clone which was based on the  Vox AC-30 design.

Hmmm. . .  I was just about to order a JTM45...  I checked out some youtubes of the dizzy 30 and the tone seemed rather thin / weak in comparison to the JTM45 samples I found.  I wish I could A/B them in person.  I've never owned a Vox style amp, mostly Fenders and Marshalls.  I did use a reisssue AC30 for several hours in a studio and found it to be quite pleasing, but my JCM800 has really got close to the sound I want even though it has way too much gain for my needs.

I guess the only way to really know is to compare side by side.  Any other thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2010, 07:54:33 PM »

Vox AC-30 hands down. The closest Ceriatone amp is the Dizzy 30 Matchless DC-30 clone which was based on the  Vox AC-30 design.

Hmmm. . .  I was just about to order a JTM45...  I checked out some youtubes of the dizzy 30 and the tone seemed rather thin / weak in comparison to the JTM45 samples I found.  I wish I could A/B them in person.  I've never owned a Vox style amp, mostly Fenders and Marshalls.  I did use a reisssue AC30 for several hours in a studio and found it to be quite pleasing, but my JCM800 has really got close to the sound I want even though it has way too much gain for my needs.

I guess the only way to really know is to compare side by side.  Any other thoughts?

The DC30/Dizzy 30 is noticeably tighter, more focused and stiffer than the AC30, a result of much heavier filtering.  In shiort, it's more "modern" sounding than the looser, more vintage AC30. 

By comparison, the JTM 45 is much looser, and mushier and less focused when overdriven. It's also has the high end roll of much earlier and has a lot of boomy bottom end.
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« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2010, 08:24:10 PM »

I've always been a Marshall fan and I really like the clips I've heard of the JTM45.  There's an element the Marshall has I cant explain, but it seems to be missing from the Dizzy.  Could it be the "Sound of Rock"? Shocked
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« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2010, 09:22:01 PM »

its loud loud loud.....and i use a 5150 sometimes for metal in the real world (not a bedroom). I know two guys that use them for dance type rock like franz ferdinand and such and they do the job but you have to really crank it to sound its best. attenuators and such only really work for bedroom players in my opinion and the jtm45 would need it if your gonna get drive. Nick has heralded the virtues of the 36 watt ef86 and rightly so. the design is highly versatile and can produce sound pressure levels equal to the jtm45.
I use an ac30 for semi clean indie stuff right now and i have to say i am planning on replacing it with the 36watt ef86 just for the versatility alone.
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« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2010, 09:35:44 PM »

Fascinating, the 36w / EF86 was my first choice, but I kept reading comments that seemed to suggest it breaks up pretty early.  I'm mostly interested in the thick clean tones I think the JTM45 will give me.  I just want the very edge of crunch.  Can I get just to the edge with the JTM45 at a moderate level?
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« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2010, 12:35:49 AM »

I'm definitely into checking more into the 36w ef86 - Its probably the closed mojo jojo to where I'm going for tonally.  BUT... can I get ENOUGH clean headroom with that amp?  I'll ask over there as well Wink
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