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Author Topic: Using the effects loop  (Read 10369 times)
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« on: March 20, 2010, 12:28:53 AM »

New user, technically inept!!

I have JTM 45 head with an effects loop into which I tried running standard stompbox pedals (like your standard BOSS overdrive, for example). However, I experienced a dramatic loss in volume and a heavily distorted sound. I email Nik and he told me that the loop is 'passive' and runs at 'line level,' so the levels between the loop and the effects are mismatched.

The research I've done leads me to believe that I must run rack-mounted effects in this loop, but before I begin to look into that I wanted to know if there is anything I can do to lower the level from the loop 'send' down to instrument level and run through the desired effects, and then bump it back up to line level for the loop 'return.'

Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated!!!
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« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2010, 04:42:03 PM »

Nik has 2 units that will do the job. The kleinulator and the clator. The klein works great. I have a jtm45 w/passive loop that Nik built me and it was sending my Gforce too hot of a signal and was making it disrtort (and not a nice one) Both the klein and the clator have 3 controls: a send, return and recovery or gain) I brought down the send level to where my gforce is happy and bring the return/recovery to desired sound level. It's almost like having a master volume.

I just ordered the clator because it's tube driven and rack mount. The klein is ss and not rack mountable.

Hope this helps
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2010, 07:49:39 PM »

The loop isn't buffered like in many (most?) modern amps. 

While the Kleinulator is a dedicated buffer for the exact purpose of effects loop use, there are a few cheaper options, such as running Boss LS-2 Line Selector 9used, under $50 on eBay) or a now OOP DOD FX30-B Gate/Loop (these things can be had for as cheap as $10 on ebay).

Just place your effects in either pedals loops and leave that loop turned on all the time, the Line/Loop pedals themselves are buffered in/out and the Boss even adds a level control, which I think would help a lot to dial in the level's you want.
jazzy cian
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« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2011, 01:30:35 AM »

New user, technically inept!!

I have JTM 45 head with an effects loop into which I tried running standard stompbox pedals (like your standard BOSS overdrive, for example). However, I experienced a dramatic loss in volume and a heavily distorted sound. I email Nik and he told me that the loop is 'passive' and runs at 'line level,' so the levels between the loop and the effects are mismatched.

The research I've done leads me to believe that I must run rack-mounted effects in this loop, but before I begin to look into that I wanted to know if there is anything I can do to lower the level from the loop 'send' down to instrument level and run through the desired effects, and then bump it back up to line level for the loop 'return.'

Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated!!!

This may be a little off topic but you said you tried a Boss distortion pedal through your effects loop?
I wouldnt recommend this for the best sound anyway. A rule of thumb, put your time delay effects through the loop, like delay, reverb, tremelo etc. And your distortion and wah through the front.
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« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2012, 07:20:35 PM »

What would you do if the amp did NOT have a passive effect loop?

And this is not just dealy, but also chorus, flanging, phasing, correct?
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