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Author Topic: Using a JTM45 at low/high volume  (Read 19132 times)
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« on: March 29, 2012, 03:34:11 PM »

Herro! I'm seriously thinking about buying a Ceriatone jtm45, I haven't ever seen a bad review yet and have only heard good things. Right now I use a Marshall mg100hdfx head and matching 412 cab, had this setup for 6 years now because I've been on a budget and now that I have more money it's time for my first tube amp  Cool

I need an amp that I can use at lower volumes, above bed room for sure but not yet volume levels for jamming with a band (I do jam with some people but not super often). I've been looking at a JTM1 for house playing through a 1960ax I may buy soon but I love that AC/DC tone (favorite band) and they use jtm45's cranked to get their sound. I've heard of putting MV mods on one, or a half power, power scaling, or a pedal like Box of Rock or Menatone to get that cranked tone of the jtm45 at lower volumes and then actually crank the amp when jamming and remove the pedal. Would putting a pedal like the BoR in front of the jtm45 at lower volumes let it sound like it's cranked (or close to it) or would it not sound good. I know nothing can make it sound as good as it is when it's actually cranked but would it make a decent tone? Would a jtm45 be good playing at the house and taking to a small/medium gig or jamming with friends?  Huh?

Thanks in advance for any information, I REALLY REALLY want a jtm45 lol  Grin
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« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 07:48:38 PM »

I thought ACDC used mainly JMP 2203's and 2204's for the most part - both master and non-master volume models. Like the JTM these amps are SERIOUSLY loud when used for ACDC tones. That's where they got their tone - hard to believe but their amps were set a lot cleaner than you'd think only breaking into power tube overdrive when they hit their guitars really hard, which thankfully they did a lot Wink The power came from the sheer volume, not gain.

I'd recommend Nik's 18 watter (or if you're gigging maybe a 36 watter with 1/2 power switch) so that you can get those power valves pushing into nice harmonic overdrive at more sensible volumes.

You'll still need an overdrive pedal for home use though as 18 watts is still LOUD.

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« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2012, 11:11:02 PM »

I have heard they used JMP's as well but I've heard they use JTM45's more, but we will never know until Angus and Malcolm come straight out and tell us what they use  Cry

I just saw some videos of the Ceriatone 18 watt TMB and I have to agree that it sounds pretty damned good
and may be a better option to a jtm45 for home and small gigs and jamming with friends.  Cheesy

Whenever I'm out of college and into a house I'll setup a music room and buy a jtm45 then probably.
Thanks for the reply man you definitely got me thinking about that 18 watter now lol.

Theres a guy on craigslist in my area selling a 1960ax cab and 18/36 ceriatone plexi for $1100. I might just jump on it and buy it! Cheesy
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« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 06:51:25 PM »

Check out solodallas website - brilliant info on ACDC and their gear through the years :/
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2012, 02:17:39 AM »

AC/DC, and every other successful professional artist, has a million options in the studio when it comes to equipment, and they use a little bit of everything...they may make 5 takes through 5 different amps and mix in 80% of amp 1, 5% of amp 2, 10% of amp 3, etc.

Add to that there is an engineer hand placing several different kinds of microphones (which all "hear" differently) for each take.  And then the engineer and produce EQ every track, add effects in post, etc. until they get the perfect band mix. AC/DC, for example, is famous for recording in a lower key and slower tempo at a slow tape speed, so when it is sped up to pitch/tempo, it sounds thicker because there is more recorded information on the tape.

I guarantee when they recorded Hells Bells in the studio, it didn't sound a thing like it does on the album. 

Live, they have used everything in the last 15-20 years from Marshall JMP preamps (also the core of Billy Gibbons live tone) to Mesa Boogies.

So, buy the right tool for the job, get yourself your home amp.  If it's "vintage" Marshall voiced, you should be able to dial in great AC-DC tones. Don't worry about getting the exact same equipment.

All that said, the JTM45 is roughly a 30-35 watt amp, it's not "concert hall" live, but you'll want a pedal or preamp in front for playing at home. An attenuator would be perfect for being able to overdrive the JTM in a more jam-like setting.

Master Volume isn't a bad idea.  Half-power switch on a 2xpower tube amp is a triode/pentode switch...IMHO, they suck. I would probably skip on power scaling at this wattage as well and just use an attenuator.  But none of these options work for playing in a house with other people around, for that you'll want a pedal.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 01:20:20 PM by wyatt » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2012, 05:49:41 AM »

I'm pretty sure AC/DC were using WASP amps on the first few albums
WASP were an Australian Marshall copy, most of the bands back then used them
'cos they were cheaper (and possibly more reliable) than the Marshall
Any Marshall copy will do the trick, but I agree that an 18 watter from Nik would be best

1986 Kinman Blueprint Strat
2012 Mark Jenny relic Tele
1991 Gerard Gilet 00-45 copy
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« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2012, 11:01:38 PM »

the jtm45 is awesome, but needs full volume to develop its character
that said, using it at home with a really good boutique OD could crack the level issue, and leave you with a proper amp for live use. How about a Lovedrive Eternity burst or clone?
I really doubt that MV or an attenuator would be as good. I had power scaling on 3 amps, no joy for me. I've tried all these, I now use pedals, after originally abandoning all the crappy pedals in the 90s - today's boutique pedals have killed the myth that only power stage OD is musical, I am now very critical of some amps for their OD offering, contrary to my valve-amp-preferences, the very best pedals can more than match the OD provided by many amps

For quieter Marshall tones, the Ceriatone EF86 36w TMB is excellent.
pre- PI master vol though, but more into ACDC tones I think, and switchable to 18w
Then the EF86 channel adds a very different channel.

btw I know Marshall build quality is lower, but for quieter fun at home, the Class 5 combos are worth a try

Dr Tone Control, Strats mostly, prefer saturated clean tones, a little OD sometimes
BM50, JTM45, 36w EF86, DZ30, Expression, + non-Ceriatones (Matchless, Victoria, Wienbrock)
Just started with pedals a little after a 10 year purist spell, but usually just delay
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