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Author Topic: The best 2x12 speaker combo for a JTM45?  (Read 8138 times)
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« on: September 16, 2009, 02:04:03 PM »

I have recently bought a JTM45 but I still need to think about and buy a speaker cabinet. I was thinking of combinating a G12H30 and a G12M greenback but I am still doubtful about the result. Is the association of the two speakers (50 watts) enough to cope with the power of the amp (some say 30 watts, others say 45 watts, who''s right?).

Which is the best option? wiring them in parallel or in series?

What is the best option in your opinion? I thought about acquiring 2x celestion V30, but I have heard that V30s may be too harsh, especially as I like smooth vintage sounds.

If you have any experience or information, please let me know.
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« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 04:54:24 AM »

A reasonable guess would be 35 watts.   Standard wisdom would suggest you need 70 watts worth of speakers.   The H30/12M combination would a gamble.   You might get away with it for a long time.    I am sure you could find guys who have experienced both extremes of success/failure with that amp and speaker set up.    I tend to prefer Eminence speakers for most applications.
Regards the V-30..... harshness, high-mid hump, mid spike, and other such phrases are very common.    But the V-30 is also one of the best selling guitar speakers of all time.    A lot of recorded music (that we all listen to and like) was made through the V-30.    You will just have to buy some speakers and hear for yourself.
Series or parallel is really up to you, and dependent on your OT impedance selector.
Good Luck
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« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2009, 03:58:24 PM »

The Bluesbreaker (JTM-45 combo) amps first came with AlNiCo speakers in them, same as the Vox AC30.  However later blue4s and rock players would have used them with whaever speakers were available at the time (G12M and G12H mostly during the classic era). 

With my Ceriatone JTM 45 I like to use a combination of a G12M (greenback) and one of those lovely new Celestion Gold AlNiCo speakers...you get the perfect mix of AlNiCo bite and smooth chime, efficiency and quick response, tight bass etc, plus the mellow woody woof of the G12M greenback.  And I've found the amps sound a lot better and have more definition with open back cabs as opposed to closed back.
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