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Author Topic: Some JTM50 questions.  (Read 3275 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: May 19, 2009, 04:20:29 PM »

Hi guys, I'm sorta looking for what to get next from Nik.

What speaker power handling should I get for a JTM50?
Is the RMS for the amp similar to a JTM45? which is around 30-35W?

Or is it really up to 50W?

Will 2x12 60W total power rating speakers be enough?

How does a JTM50 compare to a JTM45?
Will a JTM50 give it more of a runchy cleanish tone yet have good articulation for funk rhythm? 

How will having a SS rectifier change things? Will output power increase? If so by how much? Headroom?
Will I still be able to use a 60W power rated cab?

I dwell more into the realm of frusciante's rhythm playing and I do like to play hendrix.

The speaker combo will either be 2x1230-55 from weber or 2x30W blue dogs, all ceramic.
16ohm cabs.

Thanks in advance.
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