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Author Topic: My JTM45 build  (Read 6123 times)
Rick James
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« on: August 28, 2009, 01:56:45 AM »

Hey guyz!  Here's a few pics from my build.  It's almost finished...just a few loose ends to tie up.  Please feel free to point out any mistakes....I'd never even soldered before this  Grin Grin

I'd love to ask a few questions...anyone out there??  Cheesy
Also straight away you will notice I've swapped the position of the 32uf can cap and the 16 as I started out following the metro guide.  Don't know if this is a problem.

Cheers  Cheesy

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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2009, 07:52:42 AM »

It is so clean, and I mean literally.   What do you use on all the solder joints?   Very nice, looks like it went through a freon tank.   If you do get any extra hum, you may want to chop stick/shorten, re-route that lone, green, ground wire from your (ground bar maybe?) to the tranny bolt.   Sometimes a little extra wire over there makes a lot of noise.
I see you have faith in CC resistors.   Have you ever read Sozos site in regards to the foil line on their coupling caps?   I am not an experienced builder, but I think you did a great job.   Your component placement is superb.   You sure you didn't have your teenage daughter do that part?  Smiley
 Well Done!!!!
Rick James
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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2009, 10:23:06 AM »

Hehe thanks HH!

I'm pretty happy so far...I just hope it works lol
I don't know much about resistors but I'm kind of learning it all as I go.  The cc's seemed to be the popular consensus and thanks I'll have to check out sozo's site!!.

I think when I've got it running I'll check out all the info I can find on hum etc.  (yes it is the green wire from the ground bar).  I'm really unsure about where it's ok to ground things so I might have to track down some tech friends and ask them.  Or read another 1000 pages on the net  Grin   
I just found some threads on star grounding too so I'll have to read some more on that.

OK question time  Cheesy

I'm wondering if someone could help me with the common wire from the MM OT(yellow). I'm not real sure where it goes, lol.  Metro solder it onto the output jack closest to the imp switch.  Hoping someone might know?

Also wondering about the 0.01uf  3KV resistors attached to the rectifier socket on the ceriatone layout.  And also the two attached to the standby switch and the one on the 32uf can cap.  Should they have come with the kit?  Do I need them? I havent seen them on any other builds.

Would appreciate any help,
Cheers  Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2009, 02:59:36 PM »

The wire from the OT is negative feedback for your Presence control.

I imagine that is a dropping resistor on that 32uf can.

Not sure about the others.   The two on the rectifier have a uf capacitance, but they make the component look like a diode.
I imagine the cap and resistor on the SB Switch is some kind of snub; to prevent the pooping that sometimes occurs when switching the HT.
My experience with Nik is that he is pretty fast with emails.   I encourage you to ask, he is very helpful.
Good Luck
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 03:26:55 PM by hired hand » Logged
Rick James
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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2009, 11:19:13 PM »

Thanks HH!!

Sounds like the way to go.  I'm sure Nik will sort out any queries I have.  I've also convinced a tech mate to have a look at it.  (Just to be safe)

Now I just need to wait for the tubes to turn up Grin Grin
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