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Author Topic: JTM45 speaker match - finally  (Read 3658 times)
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:00:16 AM »

In the year and a half or so I've had my Bluesbreaker, I've tried a few speakers as I could, mostly Webers and JBL, stuff I had on hand. I was fairly happy using a Weber 12F150 and 12F125 pair.

I knew I wanted the correct Brit style ultimately. Well, a few weeks back at an amp show I played a Swart AST - amazing honeydripper of an amp -- using a Mojo BV-25m greenback clone.

So I bought two BV-25m's and they're perfect with the JTM. My second choice would have been Weber 1225's, but the Mojo's are a bit cheaper and I could not be happier. Yeah, maybe Scumbacks or Tone Tubbys or Austin Speaker or Warehouse (tried and rejected) or whatever. I just don't care If there's something better, the Mojo's do exactly what I need them to.

I'm a bit concerned about using a 50 watt cab, but soon I'll be adding a VVR3 so no prob. I think the early BB combos ran two greenbacks also?

Edit: Forgot to mention, I'm reporting how these speakers sound out of the box. I've spent weeks/months breaking speakers in, and that experience tells me these will change over time. But I expect they will get even better. I put a couple more hours on them since my first post. They're perfect with the JTM. When my 5X3 comes in, it'll be interesting to see if the Webers or the Mojo's sound best.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 06:33:23 AM by 72sg » Logged
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