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Author Topic: JTM45 Sale - Complete pack 4 with head cab = USD 750 + shipment  (Read 13541 times)
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« on: July 09, 2011, 05:29:03 PM »

Hi guys.

We are having a sale for the JTM45s.

The usual hand wired quality -

Mallory 150 caps, Carbon comp resistors, teflon silver plated wire, Alpha pots, Cliff UK jacks.

Sozo capacitor change = add USD 30

Turret board = Black color

Sozo capacitor change = add USD 30

Tubes: Genalex reissue KT66 (!), JJ GZ34, JJ ECC83s.

Regular price is 900 + shipment, so this is USD 150 off!

Limited to 50 amps, or until  31st August, 2011.

Pls spread the word!

To USA, this amp would be abt USD 970 shipped via UPS.

So, below USD 1000 for NEW hand wired JTM45!

We will be releasing new model, JTM46, to replace this JTM45 soon. So I need to clear out chassis and what not.



Tone Control
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« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2011, 09:23:25 AM »

I've passed the recommendation on to friends, but I already have one of your lovely JTM45s

What will be the difference in the JTM46?


Dr Tone Control, Strats mostly, prefer saturated clean tones, a little OD sometimes
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« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 11:10:28 PM »

This is a GREAT deal on a good amp.

Good move going to the Genalex branded KT66s. The Shuguangs are pretty good, but the Gold Lions definitely sound better all around and especially on top.

I'd like to see Sovtek GZ34s too.
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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 11:43:35 PM »


Thats cool mna

But Sovtek GZ34? Which one? The sovtek branded one?

It would be easy for me to source from a single place. But as is, the JJ GZ34/5AR4 is the best choice for me.

If you havent seen the latest layouts, pls do. The diodes/cap protect the GZ34, when used with the standby switch.


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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 11:44:52 PM »

Also, as an update -

Only 33 JTM45s left for the sale

After this, no more, it'd be JTM46 only.

And this does mean changes to faceplates and chassis as well.


« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2011, 03:24:06 AM »

Yes, Sovtek branded. Toughest current production 5AR4. I agree with my supplier that it's a misnomer to call ANY current production tubes reissues. Plate materials (coating), vacuum hardness, grid spacing/alignment ... the quality of the 50's and 60's, or even 70's and 80's will never again be replicated.

JJ certainly makes some quality tubes, but also trash such that extensive screening/testing has to occur. The JJ GZ34 in particular has gotten a rep for being unreliable.

I'm not against modern tubes.  I liked the Gold Lions, and the St. Petersburg SED 6L6's in my 5X3 sound as good as any RCA/Sylvania I've had. New Tung Sol 12AX7s sound excellent. But these tubes sure wouldn't hold up to road rigors or generally last as long as the old days.

Your fallback SS rectifier is a good failsafe. Seems pretty cool. It's on my 5X3 but not my JTM45.

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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2011, 07:24:52 PM »


Thats cool.

Indeed so, it'd be hard or impossible to beat NOS. back then, tubes were also meant for critical military stuff. Now, it's more generic, so it does open up to the fact manufacturers do not want them to last a life time Smiley It'd be bad for biz if so, dont you think? Heh..

As for the diode trick, i do suggest it. if you have a GZ34 to burn, all you have to do is to flick the standby switch a few times in succession (hot cycling it) to see sparks in the GZ34.

We tried with JJ, Sovtek, Chinese, and even an old Mullard. They all did it, without the protection diodes/cap.

If you google, esp in the hifi forums, you'd see the same issue.

So it's not just a fail safe, it's there to protect the GZ34 itself. And the mod is SPECIFIC to GZ34(5AR4). You dont actually need it for 5y3, but we put it there, anyways, just in case people decide to put GZ34 in the amp Smiley

And, building guitar amps, where standby switch is seen as a "premium", it's also a bit hard.  You dont actually need a standby switch with tube recto, as they're slow starting already.

In between sets, just set the vol to 0. Smiley


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« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2011, 01:08:49 AM »

Good deal for anybody in need.....!
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« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2011, 01:53:46 AM »

This is an incredible deal!! If I didn't already have Nik working on something for me, I would go for it! It is a classic!!!!

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« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 05:56:58 PM »

Hi Nik,

What's the deal with the JTM46? Just changes to cosmetics and layout or other tweaks too?

« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2011, 03:02:52 PM »


I was tempted to do that, 1 better! Smiley

The JTM46 will retain the circuit of the JTM45, ie it wont detract from the original.

Except for perhaps the big cathode cap on v1, maybe I'd make that smaller, ie a normal mod

What it will have are mods that people usually request. So we pre-empt the requests. These are (not finalized):

1) Ext and possibly dual bias

2) 1/2 power switch


4) Bright switch

5) Buffered SS loop

6) Carbon film resistors, CC only at plates and some other parts

Thats basically it. The mods, they can be defeated to make it stock JTM45 amp. So, it's indeed a +1! Smiley


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