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Author Topic: Jtm45 right choice??  (Read 4597 times)
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« on: January 09, 2013, 02:27:31 AM »

Hey guys,

I'm hoping someone can give me some advice or shed a bit of light here.

I've been checking out these Ceriatone amps for quite a while now and have been blown away.
From what I can gather they seen to be alot truer to the original amps than the new Marshall reissues are.

I am drawn towards the JTM45 for some reason but am just wondering if I would be more suited to one of the plexi style amps. (I had a chance to play through one a number of years ago but wasn't really able to crank it...think it was a 50 water). Would prob need a hotplate or ppmv mod.

I play in a touring hard rock band but when I'm home I gig as much as I can in a blues/rock trio (pubs, clubs, private functions). I'm looking to get an authentic vintage blues/rock tone along the lines of Gary Moore/Jimi Page.

Here is a link to a live video of my trio. I know this is a bit of a long shot but do you think the Jtm45 would fit in this type of scenario? I'm in the uk so don't get much opportunities to play ceriatone stuff.

Any response appriciated (I know it's a long shot)

Thanks in advance,


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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 02:39:33 PM »


Great playing BTW...

With what you posted, two amps come to mind.  A Bluesmaster or 183.  Neither of those are Marshalls per se, but they will do some killer tones that are some of the best blues tones you can find.  The 183 is EL34 based, so that's why I thought of it too.  The cool thing is they also do some pristine cleans.  It may be a departure from where you were going, but it may still be worth a look.

Happy hunting.
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