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Author Topic: Is it possible to fit a JTM45/50 in a smaller chassis?  (Read 4658 times)
yagoo nana
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« on: June 12, 2008, 03:13:05 PM »

Is it possible to fit a JTM45/50 in a smaller chassis?  I reckon the standard size is too big to sit on my cabs, I'm also thinking about putting a 45 into a combo, again it seems like it's going to be impracticably large for this.

Any suggestions/ideas?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2008, 10:09:50 PM »

I'm no expert, but here's my take.

These chassis/layouts are already right sized: not much if any wasted space, and not crowded. You would have to undertake a custom layout, risking artifacts like parasitic oscillation, noise and heat, for little gain. I don't see where you could significantly reduce the chassis footprint.

You can definitely play with cab dimensions, where these guys will go into a 23" cab, a regular 26" Marshall small box, or the ridiculously oversized 29" standard Marshall.

Are you really talking smaller chassis, or do you mean a smaller cab?
yagoo nana
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« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2008, 07:23:27 AM »

I was thinking both chassis & cab size.  Some of those Marshall heads are crazy big IMHO, and the Bluesbreaker combo is similarly large. 

I have a JTM45 pre-built chassis in the post as I write this, so I will try and fit it into a smaller cab/combo.  When, I originally wrote this I was mainly thinking of squeezing it into a 1x12 combo.  And, I am still thinking about this, but I keep changing my mind.  The flexibility & cool look of a head cab is very tempting too.

At this rate, I will need a combo & a head  Cheesy
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