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Author Topic: Hi, I'm new here ! !!  (Read 13864 times)
Dr. Tweedbucket
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« on: October 31, 2007, 11:01:44 AM »

Wow, we need to work on the smilies here, but anyway, I bought a 18W Ceriatone and a JTM45.  I still have the JTM and it's just an amazing amp compared to Marshall's lame attempt to build a reissue.  Lips Sealed

The only thing I didn't like was the KT66 tone.  I ended up swapping out for some JJ KT77s and that is much more to my liking...... more Marshally, if you will.

Nik is a great guy to work with.  He sent me some fresh pre amp tubes after one of them fizzled almost right away ..... it was a Sovtek and didn't surprise me.  I think he now ships with JJs.

« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2007, 12:46:23 PM »

I really love JTM-45s. I've played a re-issue a few times and really liked it... I bet this sounds even better!  Shocked
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« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2007, 01:15:43 PM »

Wow it seems we already have few fans here Wink
thanks guys for joining the forums. they are still not finished yet but will soon be.

enjoy your stay here  Grin Grin

Music has to breathe and sweat. You have to play it live
radiohead, lol
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2007, 01:26:55 PM »


Tweedbucket, I'm not sure if I asked you on HC, but did you also put a solid state rectifier in your JTM45? That thing definitely didn't look like a rectifier tube.

I have a JTM 45 too, and it's quite nice. I'm tempted to switch to KT77's as well...worth it?

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« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2007, 03:43:24 PM »

I'm toying with the idea of ordering a Ceria chassis and trannies to do a JTM45 build, as I already have a red swirl board waiting at home.  Can I come play, too?   Grin

Visualize whirled peas.
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2007, 04:46:49 PM »

Hey Dr. T.
   I've got a Jtm45 build, based on the Ceriatone kit, coming my way in the next week or so (it'll have power-scaling BTW !).
   I'm interested in your choice of KT77 over KT66. Can you give us a brief description of what benefit you perceive the 77's give you, over the 66's.

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« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2007, 02:47:11 AM »

well, my first post to this forum  Cool
I have a David Bray modded JTM45 with a added PPIMV
LOVE IT!! But will give anyone here a fair warning...the JTM is friggin loud!!
Don't buy this for a home amp...way to loud.

I prefer TAD 6L6GC-STR or JAN-Philips 6L6WGB tubes over the Valve Arts Kt-66
The KT77 sounded too much like a current  EL34  I would prefer a set of SED EL34over the 77's any day.
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« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2007, 02:50:23 AM »

post some sound clips please Wink

Music has to breathe and sweat. You have to play it live
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2007, 08:20:16 AM »

I prefer TAD 6L6GC-STR or JAN-Philips 6L6WGB tubes over the Valve Arts Kt-66
The KT77 sounded too much like a current  EL34  I would prefer a set of SED EL34over the 77's any day.

Please explain why !!   This is no use to man nor beast without an explanation.
Dr. Tweedbucket
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« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2007, 12:10:00 PM »

Yeah, to address the KT77 issue....

I was disappointed in every KT66 amp I've ever had.  This JTM45, a Dr. Z Rt 66 and so on.  I just don't think that tube has the tone that I am after.  With the JTM, I was thinking 'Marshall' and expecting more of a JMP or JCM tone, which it didn't have.  Lips Sealed  After swapping in the KT77s and getting them broken in, the amp really became a screamer !!! I love it.  It's has shades of a Superlead, but yet has that warmness of the JTM tone too.

I don't know why I put the SS rec in.... I guess because the harder core Marshalls have SS recs and that's the sound I really like.   It's a cheap experiment.  What ever you do, if you have a Sovtek rec tube, get it the HECK out of there!!  I had two short on me and take out the fuse. One on the JTM and one on a Dr. Z.

If you do go to KT77s, make sure your screen grid resistors are beefed up enough to handle it and you'll have to bias your tubes to about 35-40 mA per side.   I think I had to swap out a bias resistor so I could center the pot ....(if I remember right).  Huh?
radiohead, lol
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2007, 04:59:28 PM »

ok then, I think a JTM 45 with KT77's would be great. I'll probably keep the tube rectifier in, though (It's a JJ GZ34, which hasn't shorted yet).

It does sound quite good now, but I think I'll still see what these are like.
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« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2007, 05:34:53 PM »

Hey all!

Cool! Happy to see many of you here.

As for the JTM45, indeed the distortion isnt plexi and with the wrong cab, could be flabby (hence mod the preamp cathode cap to 1uf or sumthin).

I do love the clean tones though, that the KT66 has.

It scares me to death how much GECs cost, but I think the Shuguangs are swell.

Havent tried KT77s, though.

I guess, with solid state recto and KT77, that'd be plexi already, with some changes on the board.


radiohead, lol
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2007, 05:44:38 PM »


Yeah, the shuguangs sound great - I am still using the ones that you sent me, but they are starting to rattle. (though that's after hours and hours of full volume use). Not a big deal, but I can hear it through the speakers now. Might have to put some new ones in.

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« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2007, 03:40:30 PM »


Yeah, the shuguangs sound great - I am still using the ones that you sent me, but they are starting to rattle. (though that's after hours and hours of full volume use). Not a big deal, but I can hear it through the speakers now. Might have to put some new ones in.


I see.  How long do you think you logged on the tubes before the rattle?

If you check put in new ones, let me know if it cures the problem. Perhaps something else?

Tubes do wear out, after usage, I have to say.


radiohead, lol
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2007, 04:08:09 PM »

Well, I've been using this amp probably three days a week for about four hours a day since I bought it from you earlier this year. It's only started making the rattling noise recently (about two weeks ago). I usually have the volume(s) dimed, so that might put some more wear on the tubes.

I had some extra KT66's (which are also shuguangs I believe, and are pretty much unused). I put those in and ran them for a few minutes just to check, and there wasn't any rattling/odd noises, but I'm waiting for my DMM to get here in case I need to adjust the bias for them.

All that matters is that the amp has worked flawlessly since I got it, and of course it sounds great as well Smiley
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