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Author Topic: Help please on mixed wiring confusion..  (Read 6381 times)
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« on: October 24, 2013, 10:00:19 AM »

Help please. I am a little confused on two points with the Bluesbreaker I am building from Ceriatone.. (images attached)
I have attached the 2 images to highlight the confusion.
1. There are 2 versions of the Bluesbreaker schematics getting around on the site, one on the actual site you buy the amp from, the other from this forum.., you will see in the image that I have pasted both sections in and that the tremolo plug seems to have two different versions of the wiring,, the 2010 version shows a wire going across both point an wire going diagonally to the back left pin, yet the 2006 version doesn't have this?
It might make no difference but I would appreciate your feedback
2. I am confused about the choke wires..either one of the wires go to the 32 +32 cap direct and the other goes to the 16 ohm pin on the impedance selector or this attached image implies that the choke solders to the pins on the bread board the go off to the switch and cap.. .. I suspect it is the first statement but your help appreciated..
also what is the OT CT on the 32 + 32 cap.. I assume OT is output transformer but CT?

sorry one more thing, given the colour of the wires rarely match the diagram the output transformer wiring? are the wires accurate on the diagram

I would love a photo of the inside of one of the ceriatone Bluesbreakers if someone has one.. any help appreciated

* ver.jpg (46.13 KB, 418x557 - viewed 810 times.)

* choke.jpg (50.03 KB, 418x557 - viewed 758 times.)
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 02:51:54 AM »

The Ceriatone layout is the latest. Nik changes layouts to streamline models.

1.) The green line in Ceriatone's layout is the outer braid from the coax cable. You ground the braid at one end (and ONLY at one end) to create a shield. The green line is the braid.

The coax is used to it doesn't create interference in the signal path of the amp.

2.) No. Look at the layout again...the 16-ohm tap 27k resistor, that's the negative feedback loop.

The choke connects to the one side of the cap can at one end and then connects to "B" (the other side of the cap can)and the two 2-watt resistors (8.2K and 1K) at the board BESIDE toe negative feedback loop.

OT CT= Output transformer center-tap

The standby switch, the choke, the OT center tap, and pin 6 of the tremolo tube all connect to one 32uF cap. The other 32uF cap is connect to the other side of the choke, and the screens of the power tubes via wire "B".

Ceriatone has a dozen guts shots on their site (small pics, I admit)...

Here is the pic of the footpedal jack...in this amp the braid of the coax has been soldered to a red wire to runs to the ground lug directly in back of it (instead of the lug diagonally across).

They prepared it this way...
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 03:14:25 AM by wyatt » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2013, 07:40:07 AM »

Thanks Wyatt, I appreciate the help.. I am learning from scratch and I started this journey whilst I had someone that knows about amps, unfortunately he moved back to the States so I am trying to learn from reading everything I can get my hand on.. I struggle sometimes with these schematics e.g. wires don't match the colours on the tone stack but appear to on the output transformer..
Thanks again for you help
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