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Author Topic: First try building a JTM45. It blows the 500mA Fuse!  (Read 33485 times)
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« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2009, 01:57:54 PM »

By any chance, are your tubes made by TungSol and do they have a metal base?

No, they are two Valve Art KT66s (and JJ 12AX7 and JJ GZ34), all with a plastic base. I'm waiting for the new Valve Art KT66 to arrive, I will test  them next weekend.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 03:39:05 PM by Findeton » Logged
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« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2009, 06:40:36 PM »

Those Valve Arts are supposed to be the ones to get as far as modern day tubes.   There aren't many options, outside of NOS KT66.
Keep us up to date.
Good Luck
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« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2009, 10:02:02 PM »

Those Valve Arts are supposed to be the ones to get as far as modern day tubes.   There aren't many options, outside of NOS KT66.
Keep us up to date.
Good Luck

It works! It sounds!  Chair Dance

Though cathode current is like 10 times lower it should, right now (maximum 4.6mA!). Is it possible to be because I connected a 4 ohm speaker to the 8 ohm output?

I'll try tomorrow with the 8 ohm load. I connected the 4 ohm speaker because that would drop the energy efficiency, so it doesn't sound too loud for 11PM. And also because I didn't wanna risk my scumback speakers if something was wrong.

If tomorrow, with a matched load, the cathode current is still that low, should I use a bigger bias pot? (I'm using a 25K bias pot).

The small current cathode must be happening too because I'm using a lightbulb  current limiter, that drops B+ Voltage from 400 to about 300 right now. I'm still using the lightbulb limiter because, though everything seems OK, I've realized I haven't got slow blow fuses but fast ones.
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« Reply #33 on: October 08, 2009, 11:48:49 PM »

That is great news!!!
So you had 2 bad tubes... Oh Well.
The 4 ohm speaker will not effect your bias like that.   I would say if your bulb looks OK you can disconnect the limiter and check your bias again.   If you can not get past 4.6 MA I would change the value of the resistor next to the bias pot  (is it 52k ?).  You can even lift one leg of that resistor and use jumper wires to try different values.   When you get to a resistor that seems good, take out the old resistor and install the new one of correct value.  That would be the sum of the two resistors that you had jumperd together.
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« Reply #34 on: October 09, 2009, 06:38:22 AM »

That is great news!!!
So you had 2 bad tubes... Oh Well.
The 4 ohm speaker will not effect your bias like that.   I would say if your bulb looks OK you can disconnect the limiter and check your bias again.   If you can not get past 4.6 MA I would change the value of the resistor next to the bias pot  (is it 52k ?).  You can even lift one leg of that resistor and use jumper wires to try different values.   When you get to a resistor that seems good, take out the old resistor and install the new one of correct value.  That would be the sum of the two resistors that you had jumperd together.

It was the lightbulb resistor. I'm reading the neccesary 40-45mA adjusting the bias pot. I just risked it, uninstalled the  lightbulb limiter, put a 4 Amp Fast Blow HT Fuse instead a 2Amp Fast Blow HT Fuse (because I haven't found Slow Blow fuses around here yet) and it just works fine. Well, fine is not the word, IT ROCKS!

Thanks for your help, really! I'll submit a video to youtube soon.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 06:40:22 AM by Findeton » Logged
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« Reply #35 on: October 09, 2009, 02:16:41 PM »

You did a good job.   I really admire the way you stayed with the amp through every problem.   It's easy to get frustrated and give up with some of the problems you had.   Thanks for taking me along for the ride.  I learned a lot.   I look forward to your video.
Well done, and have fun!!!
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