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Author Topic: Can I pull the tremolo tube?  (Read 3319 times)
« on: June 19, 2008, 09:23:20 PM »

I'm interested in options to disable/bypass/remove the trem in my Bluesbreaker.

Can I just pull the trem tube? Ultimately I think I'd like to physically bypass the trem completely out of the circuit, since it has no value. I mean, why burn a tube and passive components and lengthen the signal path for nothing?

BTW, I noticed that I can hear the trem pulse with intensity off, but if I turn the intensity pot just enough to lift it off the stop the pulse goes away. Obviously this is a slight defect in the wiper strip. It's so quiet that I only noticed it when not playing, and even then I had to stick my face in the speaker to confirm what I was hearing.

I should mention I haven't connected a footswitch to bypass trem. I can't see buying a footswitch to switch a non-working effect!

So ... can I just pull the tube for now (like pulling a reverb tube), and can anyone give simple "paint by numbers" direction to re-wire to plain 'ol non-trem JTM45?

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