Ceriatone Forum

British Style => JTM 45, 50 => Topic started by: camsna on September 19, 2016, 04:59:02 PM

Title: Bluesbreaker, Lar/Mar PPIMV problem. Help!
Post by: camsna on September 19, 2016, 04:59:02 PM
I did the mod just like this (220Ks off the board, CDEJK connected as shown to dual 250k pot w/2.2meg resistors):


Bias is up now over 200mv. What am I missing/doing wrong?

Title: Re: Bluesbreaker, Lar/Mar PPIMV problem. Help!
Post by: camsna on September 19, 2016, 05:04:44 PM
Also -- I kept J/K connected as per the original layout. So pin 5 of each power tube connects to a 5.6k resistor, J/K on the main circuit board, and the middle lugs of the 250k dual pot.

That the problem?