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Author Topic: Bluesbreaker Head Cab and Mount Questions  (Read 5150 times)
« on: April 12, 2008, 10:09:31 PM »

Got my Bluesbreaker (head) this week, now I have to source a cab. I'm new to this style amp, so must ask bonehead questions! I understand I'll require a larger 19.5" front panel opening.

1) can I use the "smallbox" head cab?

2) it appears the 6 chassis bolts must come up through the bottom of the cab? Don't I need shoulder washers? Obviously, the bolt holes must be precisely placed. Is this standardized? Is there a template for this?

BTW, this is one fine amp and I'll post some thoughts when time permits. I'm kickin' myself for doing the BB instead of the 45. The trem adds like 4" to the chassis, and bias modulation is pointless with Shuguangs. I thought they used the same chassis! So, I'm a bonehead!! Still, if I can fit into a smallbox I'll be happy indeed. Amp sounds GREAT! Thanks Nik! Thanks Kitarist!

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« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2008, 10:54:35 PM »

Hhhmmmmmmm.... Now I have to ask a stupid question. Does the  JTM-45 have six bolts?  Most chassis' have four. Anyway, I would think that you will want large, flat, washers on the bottom of the cab to help distribute the load.
Six you say???  I am no Marshall expert, that.'s for sure. But I would think any cab maker familiar with amplifiers will have a quick answer for you. Have you tried all the usual places?  Metro, Mojo, and all of the other DIY guys.
Good Luck
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 02:50:28 AM »

The JTM45 is 4 bolt, Bluesbreaker has 6. It has two additional mounts on a lip under the front panel. It's a 20" chassis, and I'm guessing the JTM45 is about 16". It will fit the smallbox.

Thanks for flat washers. You're right. I'm accustomed to all those shoulder washers all over my speaker cabs.

The Bluesbreaker needs a 19.5" front panel cutout, and 19" rear panel. Mojo gets $25 a pop for cutout changes, so that adds $50!!

Anyway, I'm clear on this now. Basically I've found a builder that's experienced and will probably be $100 less than Mojo. I'll have to make a template and drill it myself.
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