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Author Topic: Blown Bluesbreaker  (Read 5521 times)
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:23:26 AM »

I was practicing at low volume when my amp blew -- popped the 2A SB mains fuse. I pulled the power tubes, and another fuse popped instantly. Pulled ALL tubes and it still pops. Disconnected ALL heaters, still pops. At no point was there any smoke or smell, and there is absolutely no sign of component damage anywhere.

I'm pretty sure I've lost the PT, but I'm not a circuit guy so I'm open to any further troubleshooting suggestions. BTW, the PT appears to be stamped May 2008.

For replacements, I'm considering Triode Electronics (Magnetic Components Inc.), Marstran or Metroamps (both Heyboer.) Mercury Mag is out as they're WAY too expensive, and I doubt Nik could source me one cheaply given the shipping, plus the fact that this one sure didn't hold up very well. Any other suggestions?

Thanks ...
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 06:34:13 PM »

Thanks for the info.

Heck of a forum. Only took a year for someone to offer a response!

I used the Magnetics Components "Classic Tone" iron. It appears to be built with real precision, but it runs pretty hot. Over at the MetroAmps forum it has been discussed and one or two guys report having contacted MC re the heat issue and have been told no worries; they say it's built to take it. Their Fender style trannies get good marks and are quite popular.



I'm currently working this problem:


Seriously guitardlj, I appreciate that you responded and obviously you didn't note the date of the post.  Smiley
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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 11:39:59 PM »

An email to me would be answered almost instantaneously.   Smiley

So, which do you have, actually? JTM45, or the JTM45 Bluesbreaker?


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