Title: Yeti and that famous Plexi "throat" sound. Post by: Simppu on March 08, 2017, 10:08:08 PM You know, that snarly sound when you really hit the strings hard while soloing or riffing. I wonder if you can get that "throat" feel and sound with the yeti?
I'm currently planning on buying a new amp to replace my Mesa Mark III. I was actually looking at first Marshall's plexies or the jcm 800s but came across the yeti and it started to grow on me. I like how it really has that plexi vibe in it at least in the clips that i've watched and at the same time the amp does not have that brittling and over bright high end. It feels like it is rolled off in Yeti and that is just amazing. Also i wonder if it's possible to ask Nik to make it in a way that i could switch the different gain levels with a footswitch so i could switch from a clean sound to a high gain one? Title: Re: Yeti and that famous Plexi "throat" sound. Post by: Seaonlin on April 11, 2017, 02:42:48 AM If you use it correctly, these events will not happen.