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Author Topic: why I hate "gurus"...  (Read 21124 times)
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« on: October 11, 2011, 10:03:49 PM »

See here:


1) The OP said he used my layout. Nowhere did he state he bought my kit. He used MY layout to make the amp and it doesnt sound good. I would say it's his prized booteek trannies thats causing the issue. Got to use Ceriatone trannies to sound good. How abt that??

2) Another guru chimed in saying that the caps used are at fault. We use MALLORY 150 series, the ones that would have been used in countless matchless, and other makes.
   Thats not the point. The point is, OP uses a kit of his own making, without anyone knowing whats inside, or how the layout is.

  And, metallized polyester not OK? Hey bro, I can list 10 companies using same type with amps costing at least 3K each.

3) No, 100K into 4 ohms is the one best sounding with MY feng shui oriented, mojo plated chassis, for this circuit. How does he know? Has he used my stuff before? Most likely not.

4) OP says he has been playing marshalls for 35 years. This is a 2204 amp, with MV set at 2. WTF?

5) Notice how "systematic" the trouble shooting is? No pics, not gut shots, no asking whether it's really MY kit? Whats the B+ voltage, whats the bias at?

It's funny when it's one of those booteek kits, people are always so kind over there to go through even the screw heads, as those sure can screw the tone.

So how? I take down all my layouts?

For those registered there, pls feel free to post my reply over there.


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« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 10:39:58 PM »

I registered to said forum, and posted a reply. Not sure if they will allow it, but here it is:


This is Nik S Azam from Ceriatone.

I am sorry but I feel I have to chime in here.

Not only you USE MY layout (not my kit), which is totally fine by me, but faulting us IN THE TOPIC (why not call your topic Home Built Metroamp 2204 sounds harsh?), just because you cannot wire properly, is a bit unfair.

It is misleading, and in a lot of instances, would cause a lawsuit over there.

In your other posts in this forum, you have stated you used MC Trannies, Tung Sol preamp tubes, etc, things that we clearly do not sell. I am not even sure how your layout is, since lead dress is a concern, and it does matter a lot in the 2204 type.

In April of this year, in another topic on this forum, you MENTIONED the same issue of redplating, and then a few days later, got it fixed. And you said you were back to stock JCM800 (presumably per my layout), and it's what you like.

(note: see your topic abt "my journey" something something bla bla...

Now, it is October, and suddenly you have same issues that were posted in April? How come?

It should be noted in your posts in said topic, you managed to take a swipe at some other layouts by a company that is no longer in favor here (I believe), which is Rockstah's. Are you just a username used to post these type of topics, for thousands to see?

I can definitely take my layouts down (that's used by many) and no longer put up layouts in the future if thats what you want. I definitely receive many emails of thanks for putting up those layouts, especially to those who are new to making amps. Perhaps your hands are just for playing guitar, they are too delicate to solder things.

Before this escalates any further (trust me, your vested interest friends do not want this to happen), i do suggest changing the topic to something else, or delete this topic altogether.

And, dear "gurus" - it's funny how different trouble shooting here when it comes to "non booteek" amps. No gut shots? Not even voltage and bias info request? Mallory 150 caps at fault? Heck, thats a big jump in conclusion without even the OP saying what he used. Objective my ass!

Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

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« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 04:31:15 AM »

Like i said on Facebook, don't worry about they haters. We all know you make a great product. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
T Wilcox
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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2011, 01:38:25 PM »

I would register over there and step in for Ceriatones defense but I dont even think it's necessary. After reading that thread I think to anyone who reads through it will be quite apparent the OP is a moron that doesn't know what he is doing and has no place building amps.
I sometimes feel like punishing myself and go over to TGP to read through the amp section and although there is a few ( OK a lot ) jackass's over there most of the threads with ceriatone are all filled with compliments on 2 things.

A. The high quality
B. How F'ing cool Nik is

Dont let the few a$$holes get to you it aint worth it. Now get back to releasing that SSS Wink



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« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2011, 04:59:36 PM »

Nik, I absolutely agree what Larry wrote in this forum. Larry is a very competent and well known amp-specialist here in germany.
Layouts: I would take them off your site. Maybe you can put them on a extra site, which is password protected? Password only for customers? Could be a solution...
I really can understand you - but never mind. Some people hear the sound of different mojo caps or voodoo resistors, but haven't already recognized that guitars have 6 strings. You understand?!
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« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2011, 03:47:15 PM »

The way I see this Ceriatone thing around the world is....

.... people have nothing but praise
....23.5 haters

I say don't even bother with these guys and don't get discouraged that easily.

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« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2011, 03:53:21 PM »

and BTW...

nobody mentioned this on the metro forum... and somebody should say it

As we all know Ceriatone layouts are standard and even upgraded....
...if you can't make the amp sound good using that.... than it's the BUILDER fault and not layout!!!!

So obvious conclusion don't you think.

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« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2011, 06:00:51 PM »

and BTW...

nobody mentioned this on the metro forum... and somebody should say it

As we all know Ceriatone layouts are standard and even upgraded....
...if you can't make the amp sound good using that.... than it's the BUILDER fault and not layout!!!!

So obvious conclusion don't you think.

agree 100%

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2011, 04:53:54 PM »

   Thats not the point. The point is, OP uses a kit of his own making, without anyone knowing whats inside, or how the layout is.
M Fowler
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« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2011, 01:09:06 AM »

That guy had no business putting Ceriatone down after trying to build an amp off Nik's layout which failed.

You can't remove the layouts how else would I continue to build amps Nik. Grin

Ceriatone is a great product for a low cost I just need to figure out how to save up for amps rather then keep on buying parts for builds.

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« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2012, 12:56:04 PM »

While searching for a kit amp, I noticed your layout diagrams are being used by quite many people and some of them are using the layout in a very bad way (poor techniques, bad components, etc.).  I believe that these files could be put into a section that requires registration.  For example, I built an aircraft from plans and Zenith Aircraft has a "Builder Resources" section on their web site.  To get access, we must have purchased plans or a kit and obtain a user id from Zenith Aircraft.   

Alternatively, the docs could be stored on this forum site (at least, there is identification required).

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« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2012, 06:32:44 AM »

They know all, their way is the only way and have their mind made up before listening to an answer before it is even stated.
Now ask people who have built Nik's kits,or have purchased prebuilts we LOVE them a bad review on a Ceriatone is as rare as hens teeth (don't exist).

Some people are just cursed with knowing what's best for everyone else. The smart people let their ears and facts guide them.

The World needs more Nik's and less dicks!

Long live Ceriatone Long live Rock and Roll!
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« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2012, 06:42:54 AM »

I would part with my vintage Vibrolux or my JTM 45 reissue long before I would ever think of selling my Ceriatone, due to reliability and part replacement issues.

Don't know why but this attitude just frosts my ass!

Everyone is an expert behind their keyboard, let's see how you rate behind 6 strings.

My Father had a saying for these people. Sexual Intellectual - fucking know it all's!

Sorry rant done blood pressure to normal. Love ya Nik.
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« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2013, 03:31:48 PM »

Totally agree with most of the sentiments above, and think it's really unfair to blame a layout which uses, in most cases totally standard components, for the amp not sounding great.

The trouble with the Internet in general is that idiots and gurus are allowed on there!  'I always thought my les paul sounded great until I discovered I didn't have bumblee bee caps'  statements all over the place.  The problem is 99% of people think Nik's amps are great, but the 1% are the ones that can do the damage.

It would be a real shame to lose access to the layouts, I use them a lot, just to try and understand the differences between different circuits, it's probably the best resource on the web for this.

Joe L
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« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2013, 12:53:05 AM »

I know this is almost a dead thread but I have to jump in.  I have been building amps for myself since '86 (a Mesa Mark III I used for 2 years on stage).  I am a for real electronics tech with a degree from my excellent local college in industrial electronics engineering.  We were the last class to cover tubes and because I was a guitarist before I started the course, when it came to anything amp related, I paid special attention.  So when I say this, I know what I'm talking about.

He knows what he is doing.

Thank you Nik.

..Joe L
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