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Author Topic: Which config will move more air- 1X 12, 2 X 10, 2 X 12, etc...  (Read 5127 times)
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« on: February 28, 2009, 04:20:27 PM »

Is there math that can prove the lowest to highest configs in terms of moving air(loudness)?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 07:30:06 AM »

I hear conflicting views on this.  Some believe over all surface area will push more air, others say that's BS because the smaller speaker will work more per square inch.  I reall donn't know.  It's easy to figure out the surface area of each configuration. 

Area = pi * radius squared 

But there are other factors when making your decision.  Multiple speakers have a more complex tone because how the sounds from each speaker disrupts the waves of the speakers around it. 

Also,...in general (YMMV)...10" will have significantly less midrange but more more focused and punchy low end. 
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« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 08:11:35 PM »

Is there math that can prove the lowest to highest configs in terms of moving air(loudness)?

My experience is that there are too many variables to make a decsion the kind that you are asking about, based soley on a formula for the volume of air pushed.. Simple speaker area proportionality does hold in the big picture. A 4x12 sounds bigger than 1x12, 4x10 sounds bigger than 1 x 10. But the speaker and cabinet designs have a lot to do with it. So, the amount of air pushed is not really a good measure of tone quality or how big you sound. Also, the size of the room and what else is in the room makes a major difference (e.g. people, carpet, etc.).  So don't worry so much about pushing air as much as finding a good match for your amp that sounds good to your ear.
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« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2009, 06:11:15 PM »

Agreed- I have been playing around a lot with differing the setup, 2 X10, 4X 10, 1 X 12, 2 X12... like the 4 X 10 best, but probably because I also like the speakers best.

Thanks for the information...
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