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Author Topic: What Amp should I get  (Read 7676 times)
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« on: February 01, 2011, 04:35:07 PM »

I have had just about every guitar under the sun, but I have still had my fair share of amps too.  I still have not found an amp that has the sound I am looking for.  I know that you can't go from records as the amps are recorded loud, always at a level you cant try out in a shop or in a house.

I have just recently bought a Mesa TA-15 off e-bay and that is a great amp, the tones are simply sublime for small gigs but I am starting to do bigger gigs and it won't hold up in the 25 watt setting (not as sweet as the 15 watt).

I love el84's but the struggle to give any sort of bottom end and was considering 6v6 or EL34 or KT66.

Looking for something that does clean - slight breakup that will sound good with an OD/Compresion and Delay before the amp.  Don't want the hassle with a K-lator in the effects loop.  Tastes are Knopfler cleany/sustained lead tone, Mike Campbell Rockout tone to ZZ Top high gain.

Need about 30 loud watts before the insanity would kick in

« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 09:51:31 PM »

I'd say JTM45 or 5E8A.
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« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 07:40:07 PM »

I'd say JTM45 or 5E8A.

JTM45 sounds just the ticket -  they are a loud 30W
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« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2011, 09:58:27 AM »

You have given the most useful information.. I was looking for this.

Tone Control
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« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 03:39:13 PM »

AFAIK Jeff Beck has been playing a JTM45 for sometime
I saw him a few months ago, and it looked very much as if the whole gig was off the single JTM45 sat on top of a cab. All the tones you mention were there
He had a few pedals too though!

My Ceriatone JTM45 sounds excellent as a saturated cleanish lead tone, with my time based  FX and compressors in front if needed
tbh though, a Bluesmaster 50 would be a much more versatile amp, with good blackface tones, and you don't need to use the FX loop - if you keep the preamp volume down to 2 or 3, good delays etc can go up front

Either would beat anything a normal guitar shop will attempt to sell you

Dr Tone Control, Strats mostly, prefer saturated clean tones, a little OD sometimes
BM50, JTM45, 36w EF86, DZ30, Expression, + non-Ceriatones (Matchless, Victoria, Wienbrock)
Just started with pedals a little after a 10 year purist spell, but usually just delay
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« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2011, 02:30:54 AM »

I agree with tonemaster. Another good choice may be the stray cat. From what i've heard of the original bad cat and Nik's take, they are loud 30 watters! The JTM is one of my faves too. You can put a master volume on em as well, and they seem to take it well (no tone suckage), and of course if you turn it up all the way, it is out of the circuit.

Hope this helps!


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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