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Author Topic: NEW Ceriatone model is around the corner!  (Read 4433 times)
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« on: December 05, 2013, 07:01:00 AM »

I've owned Ceriatone amps since '06.
I recently got a Dr. Z MAZ18 with reverb. The amp I got back in '06 was the first 36W with half power I believe. To this day it is my #1 and the benchmark to which I compare everything else.
The MAZ is a cool amp I suppose. People say it has a ton of headroom for an 18w. They say it's somewhere between a bf Fender and a Marshall ...but leaning heavily towards Vox. I am embarrassed to say I've never played an AC30 so I can't confirm that about the MAZ. Mine is the 1-12 that contains a celestion G12H-30.

WELLLLL...my old Ceriatone RP36 kicks the MAZ'z BUTTT!!!
In 18w mode and the TMB channel it is pretty much as Fendery with the middle turned way down and the NFB in, as the MAZ. With the middle dimed and no NFB it WAY outMarshalls the MAZ.  In the normal channel w/NFB it's even more Fendery than the TMB channel but a little less Marshallesque. Still more Marshall than the Z though.

In 18w it (oh I have a ss rectifier in it atm) it has as much headroom as the Z even though it's plugged-into a G12-65 that only has a sensitivity rating of 97dB as opposed to the Z's 100dB H30. Kick the Ceriatone into full power and it's NO contest!

OK so Nik and I were talking about the Z and about how good it is. It aint no Ceriatone but nothing is. We discussed the Zwreck and thought it would be a good Z to clone.
It's still in the design stages. It wont be in the build stage soon enough lol.
It's gonna have the same "magical" iron as the Zwreck along with the "Speed/Comfort" switch but since the biggest gripe with the Zwreck is it's nosebleed volume levels, we're gonna address that with probably a half power switch. It is slated to have a backlit C on the front panel.

It's a Fisher/Z design. Well I guess a Fisher/Z/Azam design lol. It is going to be headroomey and punchy and snappy..AND fluid. It is going to absolutely LOVE pedals!

You will be kept posted along the way.
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« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 07:41:07 AM »

I've been looking for a Z-Wreck Clone, that would be cool
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