The info on the ceriatone site is a bit minimalst as to what's what. I was hoping to fnd maybe a picture of what each thing is on the ceriatone site, here or youtube. But no luck.
To use the Creme Brule as and example, since it's power level I like. If you look at the main link to the amp there's "bits" list. Some are obvious, but
"Supplied Pre Assembled Creme Brulee" for $95 isn't. Is that *just* the little board in this pic with the 4 orange caps? Does it have the leads all soldered in and loose? Not having to solder anything to that board would be a plus.

Or maybe it's that board and a bag-o-parts that includes all the switches and pots? If so, $95 seems dead cheap.
On th kits page, package 1 is "All components with assembled board, front plate, rear plate, and chassis. Only OT, PT, choke and tubes not included. " for $340. I think that means that is 100% done except for the tubes and power transformer/output transformer? That looks good, even an idiot like me can easily wire in the transformers without having to relearn good soldering chops (it's been a while). Wait... the photo makes it look like there are 3 transformers (more than meets the eye indeed).
Or does that package still need all the pots, jacks, switches, lamps and fuses wired in? If not, what's the difference between kit package 2 for $440 and "complete amp" package 3 for $540. Certainly $100 to have a pro wire all that stuff in seems very fair.
I'm sure I could email Nik at ceriatone, but if I ask here it's available for other confused people in the future. I also assume this info is the same across the entire amp line.
I don't think I see what would be the most usefull to me (and probably others) - a fully assembled and done chassis without tubes and transformers to keep the shipping weight down. If it comes to that I'm sure they can make me one that way or tell why it's a bad idea.
PS: Gabi's stuff at is great with details of wiring up what looks like and 18 watt, but doesn't address this issue.