Hi guys!
How are ya? Happy February!

Anyways, kits are now back, per before. We have been accepting kit orders from time to time, honing the way we do things. I think we're now able to offer them again.
However, there's a caveat. Kits are no longer supported via email. In my experience, a lot of the support is teaching how to solder, lead dress, and such. And also how to wire in different transformers from different vendors. And advising, go get a multimeter (yes, true).
We have provided loads of pics on our website of the gutshots, as guidance.
We charge, on lots of amps, ONLY abt USD 90-150 to wire and test the amps, except the OTS series of amps and some others, which are more (abt USD 250).
Other than that, we will make Pack1 + Assembly as a visible option on the website as well. This way, you can buy our chassis pre-wired, without the transformers. So you can put in your favorite transformers in.
Hopefully, this will be good news for those who are interested to get kits from us.