Hi, i have been chatting with our good friend Nik for last month and ordered the 50 AFD

built by Ceriatone..
been at this site about a week reading up what i can.
im new to amp building but feel I can build from the drawings of ceriatone ( sa ree-a-tone London ) and some schematics.
I started messing around a year ago with my jcm600 and was repairing things well until probs with the preamp..With the pcb being so wafer thin and tracks coming away from pcb... the job turned out to just be too much.. and by this time i had read up and studied enough to know i need to move on to turret boards and kits...lucky for me I eventually found Nik.
I was very surprised at some of the amp builders Demands/BIG BS/Lack of info/unfriendly heaps ov!
I have question ..sorry if im in the wrong place
DI direct to the PA ...are they a good idea? for the AFD? I liked the jcm600 for having this.
Sometimes i think i may have damaged the jcm600 using this with ( fender passport 150w ) my PA. running the jcm full and using the PA as like a Attenuator...or was I ?
My 2nd question was answered reading the forum..adding REVERB.... would have to change voicings..so thats out.. which is why the DI might be cool with the PA having all that... It just entered my head im putting pure tube plexi through a maybe part/all solid state PA ?? But ill leave this out there as im new and need to introduce myself. Is the answer get a all tube PA ?
Anyways glad to be here and im sure im here to stay and read up..and probs me asking a few things ( AC30 would be cool )..but im stoked im getting a AFD could never afford the marshall...but i would never buy a new amp ..its well known the old type handwiring is best.. but i think Nik has put the right twist AND PARTS with his idea of TONE and what a AMP should sound like.